post your sexy pics here

And yet again, you're under the assumption that I'm shocked or offended. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Can you read?

I said that once out of jest because it's the Neverboard. Now, almost two days later, it's still going on.

I just merely pointed out the fact that it's probably a bad idea to keep going on about it.

It seems like everyone else got a clue and said, " probably would be a good idea to knock it off. We've had our fun". Everyone but you three. I'm not saying you guys are fucking pedophiles.

Does anyone else understand what I'm saying, or am I all alone here? Nevermind...I already know the answer to that.

For dry, red eyes, Clear Eyes is AWE-some.
It seems like everyone else got a clue and said, " probably would be a good idea to knock it off. We've had our fun". Everyone but you three. I'm not saying you guys are fucking pedophiles.
as long as we're being unfun, nitpicking, pedantic twats, i should point out that this statement coming right after the quotes of myself and kevin implies that WE were somehow involved in this request for tit pics, which we most certainly WERE NOT!
I added that to the edit. LOL now I'm explaining reasons why I edited my post. This is retarded.

Go ahead and do what the fuck you want. I was just trying to help. This place gets more and more ridiculous by the hour.
as long as we're being unfun, nitpicking, pedantic twats, i should point out that this statement coming right after the quotes of myself and kevin implies that WE were somehow involved in this request for tit pics, which we most certainly WERE NOT!

No neal, I wasn't insinuating that you guys were doing it as well, not that it matters. You guys were just like OMGWTF YOU SAID IT TOO LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!11!!!

I was just trying to not let it get too far because we tend to get carried away in here sometimes. We don't know who she is, maybe she'll get offended and report that everyone was hounding her to show her tits, even though everyone was just joking. But maybe other people wouldn't see it that way.
No neal, I wasn't insinuating that you guys were doing it as well, not that it matters. You guys were just like OMGWTF YOU SAID IT TOO LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!11!!!
i know the insinuation was accidental, i was simply pointing it out so that when she reports to the authorities as in your scenario, they know with certainty that it was YOU, a dirty old man from italy that requested tits, and not a humble, demure, gentleman such as myself or my esteemed associate kevin.
Well, if she decided to tell the mod "OMG THE NEVERBOARD IS FULL OF A BUNCH OF PERVERTS!!! I'M ONLY 16 AND THEY KEEP ASKING FOR ME TO SHOW MY TITS!" We can say we were joking all day, but that doesn't really hold any water.

Seriously I just made a slight little remark about veering it back on topic (if there happened to be one) and all of a sudden it was this whole different direction. I still don't understand it.

i know the insinuation was accidental, i was simply pointing it out so that when she reports to the authorities as in your scenario, they know with certainty that it was YOU, a dirty old man from italy that requested tits, and not a humble, demure, gentleman such as myself or my esteemed associate kevin.

Oh of course. I never insinuated that men of such high moral fiber like yourselves would be involved in such a scandalous and reprehensible act such as this one.

I just wanted to make sure that the rest of us would stay in the clear. :lol:
Some SF pics:

first one is the most rad: while hiking in Sonoma's hills with a couple of local wine bottles, who ran right into our feet and straight into a rock's shade!?

That was close!!


Beautiful Sonoma, AKA neal's home land <3


Fun in the sun (and cemetery... also, after much wine in the heat.. haha)


Is that the same Sebastiani from one of my favorite local wineries?!


awwwww!!! These guys were so cool


Look at that awesome fog in the background:


local wine <3


I only took 3 pics:
It was SOOOO much fun hanging out with you guys <3 you were all awesome. I think the best evidence of how much fun we all had, is
the fact that we didn't even have time for taking pictures! :lol:
We were too busy chatting/ drinking/ porch forcing. Oh yes.




For Kevin ;)