post your sexy pics here

I dunno man. When I look at that pic, I see Macho Man Randy Savage yelling, "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Pretty damn awesome in my book.
Hey guyz I met some ladies at the bar this weekend. We got some food and went back to their place and that's really all I feel like mentioning publicly. It was a fantastic time. Here's a pic of the beauties:

I forgot just how many commercials are all about food in the US. I was using TVU on my PC the other day to watch a game on CBS, and I swear, every other commercial was either fast food, a chain restaurant, or beef jerky. I also forgot how cheap restaurant/fast food is there as can you NOT eat out every day when it's cheaper than buying food at the grocery store?
I forgot just how many commercials are all about food in the US. I was using TVU on my PC the other day to watch a game on CBS, and I swear, every other commercial was either fast food, a chain restaurant, or beef jerky. I also forgot how cheap restaurant/fast food is there as can you NOT eat out every day when it's cheaper than buying food at the grocery store?

Seriously, and you don't even have to get out of your car to get it.

Also, we were talking in our weekly braintrust meeting today at work about how fucking EVERYTHING during a sports telecast is sponsored now. "This second possession for the Wolverines is brought to you by McDonalds. I'm lovin' it!"

"Time for this week's Aflac trivia question..."

"Overheard camera angle provided by"

so on and so forth. These programmers actually make shit up to involve in the broadcast solely to sell it to a sponsor.
Another thing, and this one sort of irritates me, are the companies that boast about "going green" or setting up programs to do what they would consider to be helping the world and/or the environment or whatever. Well, 90% of the reason companies do this (the one I work for is a prime example) is because it provides yet another medium for them to sell to their clients. We've even got a website dedicated our company's "green" initiative that is supposed to provide resources and information regarding green living, how to make the most out of recycling, how to be efficient and leave a smaller "footprint" on the world, etc etc ad naseum. The site does do all these things, but what our company is more concerned with is maintaining the advertising on that site and making sure all the banners function and display properly. The content of this site is not the first priority, as much as the company claims it to be. It's all just smoke and mirrors.

"Check us out, we care!"

Yeah, about making more money.
Businesses are there to make money first and foremost. Whatever they claim to "believe" in or support is a means to market to their customer base or to expand into a new customer base. Expecting them to behave otherwise is self-delusion.
Interesting that people are actually expressing astonishment at the machinations of commercialism.

The moment I realized we were all fucked was years when I saw an ad on one of those bars people use to separate their groceries while in line at the checkout stand.
Interesting that people are actually expressing astonishment at the machinations of commercialism.

The moment I realized we were all fucked was years when I saw an ad on one of those bars people use to separate their groceries while in line at the checkout stand.

We need trust busting and regulation to return. *Shines the Theodore Roosevelt zombie president signal*

We'd be in a lot more trouble letting the government pass thousands of tiny, unimportant laws regulating things like advertising on grocery store conveyor belt separators.
Eh, I wasn't saying we need to regulate the pissant little things. I was saying it was a sign of what has already happened.

And a trust is something that DOES need to be busted, because it's illegal. It's illegal with good reason.

Unfortunately, a trust also has money. Lots of money.