post your sexy pics here

It's very true. Fruits and vegetables can be quite expensive in the US, even at places like Wal-Mart. I remember buying food there to cook for my parents, and we needed some bell peppers. I was astounded at how much more expensive it was than here.
A disgrace! Glorious food like bell peppers should be available to all, even unwashed, penniless masses!
Bored in RI
Bored in WA

Yeah as much as I hate jumping on the "Americans suck and they are fat!" bandwagon, one thing thats always annoyed me is that so many restaurant commercials here in the states emphasize the quantity of food you can get for however much ("GET A WHOLE SUPERSIZED DOUBLE BACON CHEESEBURGER MEAL WITH SUPERDUPER FRIES AND BEHEMOTH COKE FOR $3!!), rather than quality or healthiness. I'm saying this as someone who is completely unconcerned with his own health, yet is still annoyed by this.

That's why Mediterranean food is so superior to the rest:
"Bigger is not better, better is better!"
Christmas in November! Derick and I exchanged one gift with each other today. This way I can break mine in before we go on our trip, and he can consume his before they expire!


Acting surprised...

Wewt just what I wanted!

They glow lolz.


Derick really was surprised though, he didn't know what he was getting.


CHOCODILES. Unless you live in California or certain spots on the west coast, you don't see these.
Yeah I'm pretty impressed. They don't really taste like twinkies though. Twinkies are kinda rubbery, these are more spongy. Way better than twinkies.