post your sexy pics here

What the fuck is emo about a black girl with her hair tied back, wearing jeans and a coat because it's cold?

Theres nothing emo about her.

And he isn't emo. Do a google search for Oh Won Bin the Korean. Emo's don't even exsist anymore.

Who's that scene kid in the middle?
Wear what's comfortable. Sure, to say that society hasn't made us want to look good is bullshit, but that doesn't mean that it's a reason to wear it just because everyone else does or says it's what looks good.
John... you need to fucking FORGET the idea that you should dress a certain way to impress girls. Seriously, abandon that mindset RIGHT NOW.

Do what feels good to you and consider NO ONE ELSE. I know it's cliche, and easier said than done... but stop worrying about acceptance and just be yourself, man. That is the kind of shit girls notice. Not your clothes. You're a smart, funny dude and I think your desire to be accepted is blocking that light from shining all the way through. Stop worrying about what others think, even if it feels like the most difficult task in the world. The liberation you'll feel will blow you away.

Besides, who'd wanna date or be in a relationship with a girl shallow enough to judge you by the clothes you wear?
Yeah, but wearing whats comfortable doesn't attract girls in social settings. I'm 19, not 30.

You know what? I'm sure you've heard everyone say this to you, but if you stop trying to attract girls, just be yourself, be hygienic, and just be nice to everyone, it'll come.

Maybe everyone might just be right.
Jesus fucking christ. You all don't understand the inner city Houston scene. It doesn't work like that here. That's why I'm doing so much better with girls now than a year ago when I "wore what I want". Thats why I've got to kiss several girls since I changed, unlike when I was doing it your way. Haven't got laid yet, but on my way please believe me. PUA is real.

I'm right.

You're wrong.

Maybe it works that way for you, at your age, in your location, with the people you know, not with me. I hang out with teenagers and people in their early 20s, that club, and party, and dance, (or my pals).

Never even posting a fucking picture again.
Cool, then I will never offer friendly advice again if that's they way you're gonna take it. Have fun jacking off for the rest of your life.
So like.. that's not cool?:cry:
I think John himself is the one who said a couple posts ago that he's almost reaching "getting laid" status now, so I think it's safe to assume that skin fluting it up for the rest of eternity isn't something he wants.
jesus im his age and have never been laid but at least im being myself, im also not running around flipping out because i NEED to get laid either, it will happen when it will happen.

fuck man.