post your sexy pics here

Jesus fucking christ. You all don't understand the inner city Houston scene. It doesn't work like that here. That's why I'm doing so much better with girls now than a year ago when I "wore what I want". Thats why I've got to kiss several girls since I changed, unlike when I was doing it your way. Haven't got laid yet, but on my way please believe me. PUA is real.

I'm right.

You're wrong.

Maybe it works that way for you, at your age, in your location, with the people you know, not with me. I hang out with teenagers and people in their early 20s, that club, and party, and dance, (or my pals).

Never even posting a fucking picture again.

living a lie and changing yourself to make out with some shallow bitches is really lame. Also I have a hard time believing where you live is somehow magically different from the rest of the world but whatever, if it works for you go for it, just don't plan on ever meeting a girl that likes you for you if you're always hiding yourself trying to impress stupid people.
Ok, well let's give John the benefit of the doubt and say that his method DOES end up getting him some tail. After you nearly fuck yourself and her to death for the first couple of weeks after you lose your virginity, you're going to feel a big "Sooooo now what?". You're going to start thinking about other women and branching out a bit. So let's say that works too and you do it all over again, rinse, repeat. After a while you're going to start feeling like it's groundhog day and you're going to start looking for something more tangible and less emotionally inept and vacuous. Then you're going to realize that you have to start all over again and shed whatever persona you've created for yourself because you end up being disgusted with the person you see in the mirror who isn't you anymore.

I think what everyone is trying to say is that you're not seeing the big picture. Sure, finally getting laid is a big step and will be a weight off of your shoulders, but that's just until something else comes along. You're looking at it as if relationships and social life are a race, and sex is the finish line. My friend, sex is just the beginning. What happens when you meet someone you fall desperately in love with who thinks you're the person you're pretending to be, and then slowly they realize that you aren't that person and they crush you because to them, you're a liar. This kind of thing goes both ways, John. What are you going to tell her? "Oh sorry, remember everything I told you about myself? Yeah, that was kind of a lie...I'm not really like that. I don't like that music, I don't like those clothes, I don't like your friends, I don't like your taste in music/movies/entertainment, etc. I'm really this person, whom you've never met and now that you know the truth, you'll most probably like me even less than if I told you up front. Nice to meet you. I know we have absolutely nothing in common, but can I fuck you anyway?" Yeah, that's not gonna go over too well.

And let's not forget that after a while, you're gonna get really tired of being someone you're not...I don't care how good the pussy is.

My suggestion? Find a really hot prostitute and fuck the hell out of her. If you're doing things you wouldn't normally do just to get laid, save yourself the time and money you'll spend trying to get in their pants anyway and just go buy a whore. Cum on her face and be done with it.
Ok, well let's give John the benefit of the doubt and say that his method DOES end up getting him some tail. After you nearly fuck yourself and her to death for the first couple of weeks after you lose your virginity, you're going to feel a big "Sooooo now what?". You're going to start thinking about other women and branching out a bit. So let's say that works too and you do it all over again, rinse, repeat. After a while you're going to start feeling like it's groundhog day and you're going to start looking for something more tangible and less emotionally inept and vacuous. Then you're going to realize that you have to start all over again and shed whatever persona you've created for yourself because you end up being disgusted with the person you see in the mirror who isn't you anymore.

I think what everyone is trying to say is that you're not seeing the big picture. Sure, finally getting laid is a big step and will be a weight off of your shoulders, but that's just until something else comes along. You're looking at it as if relationships and social life are a race, and sex is the finish line. My friend, sex is just the beginning. What happens when you meet someone you fall desperately in love with who thinks you're the person you're pretending to be, and then slowly they realize that you aren't that person and they crush you because to them, you're a liar. This kind of thing goes both ways, John. What are you going to tell her? "Oh sorry, remember everything I told you about myself? Yeah, that was kind of a lie...I'm not really like that. I don't like that music, I don't like those clothes, I don't like your friends, I don't like your taste in music/movies/entertainment, etc. I'm really this person, whom you've never met and now that you know the truth, you'll most probably like me even less than if I told you up front. Nice to meet you. I know we have absolutely nothing in common, but can I fuck you anyway?" Yeah, that's not gonna go over too well.

And let's not forget that after a while, you're gonna get really tired of being someone you're not...I don't care how good the pussy is.

My suggestion? Find a really hot prostitute and fuck the hell out of her. If you're doing things you wouldn't normally do just to get laid, save yourself the time and money you'll spend trying to get in their pants anyway and just go buy a whore. Cum on her face and be done with it.
Another awesomely agreeable Dead Winter post!! :headbang:
"The horseshoe sandwich originated in Springfield, Illinois. This delicious open-faced sandwich begins with thick-sliced toasted bread, and most often hamburger patties or ham. Other meats used commonly are deep fried pork tenderloin, grilled or fried chicken breast, and fried fish filets. There is also a "breakfast" horseshoe that uses eggs and hash browns.[citation needed] The meat is topped with french fries and smothered with a "secret" cheese sauce. With its many variations, it is a local favorite not often found outside Central Illinois."

I knew what he meant.
Ok, well let's give John the benefit of the doubt and say that his method DOES end up getting him some tail. After you nearly fuck yourself and her to death for the first couple of weeks after you lose your virginity, you're going to feel a big "Sooooo now what?". You're going to start thinking about other women and branching out a bit. So let's say that works too and you do it all over again, rinse, repeat. After a while you're going to start feeling like it's groundhog day and you're going to start looking for something more tangible and less emotionally inept and vacuous. Then you're going to realize that you have to start all over again and shed whatever persona you've created for yourself because you end up being disgusted with the person you see in the mirror who isn't you anymore.

I think what everyone is trying to say is that you're not seeing the big picture. Sure, finally getting laid is a big step and will be a weight off of your shoulders, but that's just until something else comes along. You're looking at it as if relationships and social life are a race, and sex is the finish line. My friend, sex is just the beginning. What happens when you meet someone you fall desperately in love with who thinks you're the person you're pretending to be, and then slowly they realize that you aren't that person and they crush you because to them, you're a liar. This kind of thing goes both ways, John. What are you going to tell her? "Oh sorry, remember everything I told you about myself? Yeah, that was kind of a lie...I'm not really like that. I don't like that music, I don't like those clothes, I don't like your friends, I don't like your taste in music/movies/entertainment, etc. I'm really this person, whom you've never met and now that you know the truth, you'll most probably like me even less than if I told you up front. Nice to meet you. I know we have absolutely nothing in common, but can I fuck you anyway?" Yeah, that's not gonna go over too well.

And let's not forget that after a while, you're gonna get really tired of being someone you're not...I don't care how good the pussy is.

My suggestion? Find a really hot prostitute and fuck the hell out of her. If you're doing things you wouldn't normally do just to get laid, save yourself the time and money you'll spend trying to get in their pants anyway and just go buy a whore. Cum on her face and be done with it.
DW says it best, and I can fully understand Kevin's reaction. Everyone on the board is offering sound advice to the guy and still he thinks he knows it best. John, you need to learn to listen to advice, consider it seriously, and only then discard what you feel doesn't apply to you instead of flying off the handle to people who mean well.

I can understand where you're coming from, I really can, but what you're doing now is trying to score by catering to the desires of the people you think will respond to such behaviour. And that, my friend, is a 100% guaranteed recipe for failure, if not soon, then in the long run.

Let me ask you this, though: what're you gonna do if you keep pretending to be John the Club Bunny and you meet an attractive metal chick who snubs you (rightly so) because you're pretending to be a clubbing guy just to get laid? What then?

Like DW said, sex isn't a goal you should strive for (even if at your age, people are trying to make you believe it is), but rather just one part of a fulfilling relationship. All I have to say, John, is that all the people who've offered advice have gotten laid in their lives (some even more than once! :p), and I'm willing to bet they've all had (or currently have, in my case) a fulfilling and rewarding relationship. We're not the experts, we're not always right, but we know what we're talking about.

I mean this in the kindest way possible, but I think your self-pity, your desperate behaviour and your pseudo-Viking/my pals blowhard bullshit are cock-blocking you FAR more than any kind of clothing ever could. You need to change from within, not on the outside.
Don't dress like an anything.

The trick is to figure out who you are, and dress like yourself. Group-dress is for the weak.

But keep a few shiny shirts on hand for the Italian clubbing.

John... you need to fucking FORGET the idea that you should dress a certain way to impress girls. Seriously, abandon that mindset RIGHT NOW.

Do what feels good to you and consider NO ONE ELSE. I know it's cliche, and easier said than done... but stop worrying about acceptance and just be yourself, man. That is the kind of shit girls notice. Not your clothes. You're a smart, funny dude and I think your desire to be accepted is blocking that light from shining all the way through. Stop worrying about what others think, even if it feels like the most difficult task in the world. The liberation you'll feel will blow you away.

Besides, who'd wanna date or be in a relationship with a girl shallow enough to judge you by the clothes you wear?

Listen to what they have to say. Just do what you do and don't try so hard. You will end up finding someone when you least expect it. Fuck what others think John. You will be happier when you meet someone that likes you for you and not what you try to become just to impress.

What are your goals? worry about what you want to do with yourself and women later. When you travel down whatever road you take you will meet a girl that will be more rewarding. Yeah it gets lonely but take what we say into consideration. We give you advice from experience not some "holier than thou" references. Your no different from us and knowing you personally I know you can get a decent women that will like you for YOU and not some stereotypical image. Eh just what I think I'm going to get some sleep.
...but John, you see how many people care about you here and care enough to give you some advice? If it was someone they didn't care about they would just bring the zingers.
Be yourself. and don't ever get discouraged to "never post pictures here anymore" , please? :)
I hang out with teenagers and people in their early 20s, that club, and party, and dance, (or my pals).

And obviously surrounding yourself with these shallow people is getting you nowhere. The girls that you have kissed, were they worthwhile girls or just people that are part of this loser group that I see in all your Facebook/Myspace pics? I'm sure some of those people are not complete losers, but still. That's not a life, John. You're not going to get anywhere as long as your first priority is partying and being social.

Do you even still want to go to school? You had posted on FB that you had a dream that you were in college and happy, then myself and a few others gave you good advice and ENCOURAGED you. Then you went and deleted the entire comment. Did it make you mad that we were encouraging you rather than feeling sorry for you? Did your thug friends laugh at it? I don't get it. So, after that slap in the face, I'm done giving you advice about getting into school, unless you specifically ask me for it.

You say that you want to do better in life, yet here you are being all too concerned about STUPID shit. Inner city Houston ghetto or not, there are better people you can surround yourself with. If you did put forth a little effort, save some money rather than blowing it on partying, and enroll in college (like you supposedly want to), then then moment you walk in the doors you'd immediately be surrounded by thousands of people that will be a better influence in your life. You might even meet some worthwhile girls along the way and make some good friends. Nobody should be telling you how you need to dress in order to be accepted and cop a feel on a girl. It's bullshit.

And obviously surrounding yourself with these shallow people is getting you nowhere. The girls that you have kissed, were they worthwhile girls or just people that are part of this loser group that I see in all your Facebook/Myspace pics? I'm sure some of those people are not complete losers, but still. That's not a life, John. You're not going to get anywhere as long as your first priority is partying and being social.

Do you even still want to go to school? You had posted on FB that you had a dream that you were in college and happy, then myself and a few others gave you good advice and ENCOURAGED you. Then you went and deleted the entire comment. Did it make you mad that we were encouraging you rather than feeling sorry for you? Did your thug friends laugh at it? I don't get it. So, after that slap in the face, I'm done giving you advice about getting into school, unless you specifically ask me for it.

You say that you want to do better in life, yet here you are being all too concerned about STUPID shit. Inner city Houston ghetto or not, there are better people you can surround yourself with. If you did put forth a little effort, save some money rather than blowing it on partying, and enroll in college (like you supposedly want to), then then moment you walk in the doors you'd immediately be surrounded by thousands of people that will be a better influence in your life. You might even meet some worthwhile girls along the way and make some good friends. Nobody should be telling you how you need to dress in order to be accepted and cop a feel on a girl. It's bullshit.


Listen to her, John.

...and I had no idea you wanted to go to college... I really hope you are serious about going. You'll be amazed how many doors it will open for you: both socially, and professionally.