post your sexy pics here

My posting clearly had a lot of unnessesary angst from withdrawal symptoms. I want to address one point though.

It's not like I'm trying THAT hard. Remember the blond I posted? She was pilled out half conscious on my bed not too long ago. I could have fucked her. Most people would agree she's beautiful. But I didn't because I had flashbacks of being raped.

And again, I turn down fat girls on a regular basis. Not directly turn down sex but you get what I mean.

So I'm not SUPER desperate or anything. Just...fuck. All I was trying to do is make the point that I can't go around in a Slayer shirt and cargo pants expecting to get laid. You guys blew it out of proportion.

Sorry for being angsty. I know everyone always has my best interest at heart.
And our point is...why not? If that's you, then that's you. If you're just wanting to get laid just to get laid, do like Dead Winter said and just go get a damn hooker. If you want something more, then be yourself and wear what you are most comfortable in, and someone will come your way that appreciates that. Anyone else, is not worth it. Getting laid is not that big of a'll happen when it happens. And in the meantime, why not focus on making your life better in ways that really count?

I happened to be 19 when I met Derick. I wasn't on the prowl, but it just happened. If it hadn't happened until years later, then that would have been alright too. And ya know what? He was and still is a metal shirt and cargo pants wearing kind of guy. Didn't stop him from getting laid ;)
Well, that's a valid point. The whole metal t-shirt badge thing is good for playing with your band, cleaning up around the house, grocery shopping, or buying Preparation H. I'm certainly not suggesting that wearing what you want or what you like is good for every occasion; a little style and class is always good if the situation warrants it.

Everything to do with Slayer makes me shake my head these days, and not in the headbanging way. I totally understand where you're coming from, John. That said, I usually find myself with some kind of metal shirt on and I don't even realize it, :D. I have a closet full of just metal long sleeves and a drawer for my short sleeves...all metal shirts. But I also have some nice collared and button-up shirts. I find myself comfortable in either/or.

No one is telling you that you shouldn't change your style if you want to; they're suggesting that if you change your style, change because it's something you want and would like to do.
Yeah and let me clarify that if you're going on a date or something, sure, it's fine to clean up. But just for everyday hanging out kind of stuff, I think it's important to wear what you're comfortable in. A t-shirt and cargo pants doesn't necessarily look sloppy.
That's true Cara, but you're a good woman. You (and Karen, and Laura, etc) have brains to match your beauty. The typical 19 year old urban girl only cares about your clothes, status, game. They don't want a lasting relationship.

Dead Winter-Thanks man, that's what I'm saying. A year ago I dressed like that, what did I have to show for it? If wearing more colorful shirts, tighter pants, etc is getting female toungues in my mouth, I must be doing something right.
Yeah and let me clarify that if you're going on a date or something, sure, it's fine to clean up. But just for everyday hanging out kind of stuff, I think it's important to wear what you're comfortable in. A t-shirt and cargo pants doesn't necessarily look sloppy.

Cargo pants are so win that I'd wear them on a date. I wouldn't ask anyone out who wouldn't go out with me for wearing cargo pants.

That is, as long as we're not taking in an opera or something, :lol:.
That's true Cara, but you're a good woman. You (and Karen, and Laura, etc) have brains to match your beauty. The typical 19 year old urban girl only cares about your clothes, status, game. They don't want a lasting relationship.

Dead Winter-Thanks man, that's what I'm saying. A year ago I dressed like that, what did I have to show for it? If wearing more colorful shirts, tighter pants, etc is getting female toungues in my mouth, I must be doing something right.

Yeah, right on. There's a big difference between dressing nicely how you like and just throwing on the first gravy-stained sweatsuit you find on the floor of your room.

Not a damn thing wrong with a man who takes pride in his appearance, as long as it suits him.