post your sexy pics here


i wish i was that sexy
So last weekend Lesa (Bacchante on this forum, though she doesn't post too often) called me up and told me that she and her boyfriend were coming to SF and asked if I wanted to go to Wondercon with them. I of course could not resist the opportunity to laugh at and take pictures of people in silly costumes, so here are a few of them. Lesa was wearing her Wendigo costume, which I think she's posted pictures of before.



Tom Servo!


A very convincing Morpheus.



Stormtrooper Wolverine. Where's Emily??


And the dude from Brocas Helm was there too. :kickass:


Lesa got another picture with this dude.


Jesus Christ loves Chewbacca.
I didn't even know that was going on in SF this year; I bet it was super nerdy. I looked it up and it said it's comic-con or whatever, is it really just 2 days of comic and movie shit?
It's mini-SD Comicon. Used to be out of the Oakland convention center years ago but that con folded and was bought by the Comicon people. They hold it at Moscone west now. I used to attend religiously in my high school days and for a few years after. Last time I went was when they had the Firefly cast talking about Serenity back in aught-five.
wow lame name and boring concept haha, the only show I'd probably want to go to is the one where they have all the new upcoming electronics because some of that stuff is just mind blowing. however to each his own I guess.

haha I know I'm just screwing with you, the comic thing is pretty fucking nerdy especially the whole magic stuff but it's not that bad. I'm just more into the gadget shit for the wow factor, I don't follow it until it comes out or my brother is like HOLY SHIT ____ THAT APPLE JUST RELEASED IS AMAZING
quite the appropriate shirt choice for said activity; I still can't believe you can do that stuff though. I consider myself strong but I even just recently developed enough flexibility and strength to do back bridges, your core is ridiculously strong. I'd love to be able to have the total body strength and stability to do that (I don't think I'd apply it to pole dancing though haha)
You're getting sexier.

Someone should chronicle your increasing sexiness through this thread.

Thanks, but it might be a little creepy if someone did that. :)

quite the appropriate shirt choice for said activity; I still can't believe you can do that stuff though. I consider myself strong but I even just recently developed enough flexibility and strength to do back bridges, your core is ridiculously strong. I'd love to be able to have the total body strength and stability to do that (I don't think I'd apply it to pole dancing though haha)

Yeah it's definitely a good workout and requires the use of muscles that I very rarely utilize in any other situation. I've seen a couple guys come to the beginning pole class at my gym, and a lot of stuff is easier for them since so much of pole dancing is about having arm strength. I find it kind of amazing that I've gone to the gym at least once a week since I joined last June, which I never ever would have done to just run on a treadmill or lift weights or anything. Pole dancing is pretty much the only regular exercise I do... other than heavy metal aerobics of course.
How does it mostly use arms? I'm not trying to doubt you but I really know nothing about it and it seems like most of the holding on would be with your legs and stabilizing core and your back and shoulders and all that stuff, your biceps and triceps are only partially used in real life stuff except for pushing, pulling and curling haha. Also yeah having something that's exercise and is fun is definitely the best way to go; I have fun lifting and just exercise in general because of the endorphins and challenge so it's not a problem for me but a lot of my friends just can't get into exercise at all so they don't do anything and are really unhealthy because of it even though they may be skinny haha. You're probably way stronger than a lot of the lazy scrawny guys I know haha