post your sexy pics here

I haven't worked out in...a long, long time. I'm actually in pretty good shape, though, and I have school to thank for it. In total I climb 28 flights of stairs each week, all while lugging a heavy backpack. Plus, I do a good bit of walking around downtown. Unless the weather is bad, then I walk to and from the main train station, rather than take the light rail through downtown.
I haven't worked out in...a long, long time. I'm actually in pretty good shape, though, and I have school to thank for it. In total I climb 28 flights of stairs each week, all while lugging a heavy backpack. Plus, I do a good bit of walking around downtown. Unless the weather is bad, then I walk to and from the main train station, rather than take the light rail through downtown.

I can totally relate to that.. When I was in school I also kept in shape thanks to stairs and just being 'on the go' all the time. I miss that, haha!
I remember one semester I had classes on odd hours and I had to eat in my school area and I had like 30 minutes between classes and my only option was Chipotle across the street, which I ate almost daily and yet! I lost weight... so bizarre! I guess when our brains are working we are in shape ;)
I also have a Chipotle across the street from school. Only problem is, I haven't figured out how to get in there! Silly downtown buildings and their hidden entrances. :derick's fist shaking emoticon:
Cosby asking Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?


Awww beast!
I've never had Chipotle, every time my friends have it for some reason I just end up not having it. Am I really missing out that much? Is it worth the most likely explosive farts and stomach issues from hell?
You have it made how you want it. You don't have to anything spicy in it. Chipotle wouldn't make me sick at all if it weren't for the cilantro lime rice. Cilantro and I don't get along, but alas, I really like rice in my burrito. They really should have another rice option.
I'm pretty sure the refried beans have lard though. At least they say they're "not vegetarian"

They have pork in their pinto beans, yes.

I've never had Chipotle, every time my friends have it for some reason I just end up not having it. Am I really missing out that much? Is it worth the most likely explosive farts and stomach issues from hell?

I like it.
By all means, this is not a 'real' Mexican food, and there are much much better Burrito places out there, but for a 'fast food' chain, I like them because everything is so fresh and made on the spot and I love their guacamole and chicken yum!
You have it made how you want it. You don't have to anything spicy in it. Chipotle wouldn't make me sick at all if it weren't for the cilantro lime rice. Cilantro and I don't get along, but alas, I really like rice in my burrito. They really should have another rice option.

I just emailed em about dat shit. Really, they have so many options as far as meat, beans, and salsa. So, why only one rice option, containing something that a lot people are allergic to? Rice is cheap...right?
We don't have Chipotle. :( We do have more than enough authentic Mexican food places, though, so I guess that makes up for it. Oh! And we have El Pato. If you're not jealous, you should be.
Me too.... Cilantro is awesome.

But I know a lot of people who hate that flavor... My dad didn't touch it for 30 years until my mom slowly 'trained' him to like it
since she uses a lot of herbs in her cooking :lol:

mmmmm herbs <3
Are you really allergic to cilantro or just hating it?

Allergic. It causes severe stomach cramps. Not gut cramps, STOMACH cramps. Any time I eat something with cilantro in it (spicy or not), my stomach feels like it's on fire for hours. Other people who are allergic actually vomit and have diarrhea from it. I've come close to vomiting from it but never have...yet. Also, it tastes really peculiar to me; metallic, like chewing on tin foil. It's one of those strange things that tastes different to different people.

All those years that I thought I just couldn't handle mexican food, I was really just allergic to the cilantro that's put in most of it. Now, as long as my messican food has no cilantro, I do just fine.