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Allergic. It causes severe stomach cramps. Not gut cramps, STOMACH cramps. Any time I eat something with cilantro in it (spicy or not), my stomach feels like it's on fire for hours. Other people who are allergic actually vomit and have diarrhea from it. I've come close to vomiting from it but never have...yet. Also, it tastes really peculiar to me; metallic, like chewing on tin foil. It's one of those strange things that tastes different to different people.

All those years that I thought I just couldn't handle mexican food, I was really just allergic to the cilantro that's put in most of it. Now, as long as my messican food has no cilantro, I do just fine.

Me too. I absolutely cannot eat cilantro. And I thought I was the only one.
Now I'm hungry for Chipotle. <3 veggie burrito.

I also usually get the veggie burrito bowl at Chipotle \m/
(sometimes the chicken)

dammit now i want a burrito. ima go see some real mexicans though, they know how to season meat so it actually has flavor!

Man, I loooveeee real Mexican dives where the food is REAL and all you see around you is mexican people and no one can speak English.
I can't stand those chain restaurants that claim to be Mexican like Chevy's or On The Border or all those crappie places.

Chipotle only makes burritos so somehow I don't really consider that in the mix of a 'Mexican restaurant'
I love Chevy's! They don't claim to be authentic Mexican food though, they call it "Fresh Mex" as in a twist on Mexican food. The company that owns Chevy's does claim to have an "authentic" Mexican restaurant called El Torito, but I've never been to one.

We don't have Chevy's in Texas :(

And On The Border is called On The Border for a reason ;)
Well, there really aren't a lot of "authentic" Tex-Mex restaurants here in the Dallas area. Yeah, there are tons of small, authentic, hole in the wall MEXICAN restaurants here. But honestly, of the authentic Mexican food I've had here, it actually is bland in comparison to Tex-Mex. Tex-Mex is more experimental with different flavors, as is southwestern style Mexican food. Even that place we went to with Danny Glover in Virginia. Yeah it was good, but it was just Mexican food.

So, in a nutshell, I prefer Tex-Mex over traditional Mexican food, and to get that in the DFW area, you've almost got to go to a chain like those. I'm sure that in cities closer to the border, there actually are a bunch of non-chain Tex-Mex restaurants. We do have Chuy's, which is a local Tex-Mex chain, but still a chain.
Though I would like to eat stuffed squash blossoms. They're like rellenos, only made of flowers!

And real Mexican food is also good sometimes, but you'll never find delicious fajitas or tomalito at any "true" Mexican restaurant; those are Tex-Mex. If they have those things and they're claiming to be authentic Mexican food, then they're lying!