post your sexy pics here

I am still learning. Its been something I have always loved so I figured I would pick it up as a hobby. None of my shots are "amazing" by any means. But hey if I get just one shot in the next 20 years with the depth and intensity of Ansel Adams it was worth it :)
Tom, I love the pic!!! :kickass:


This is true!!!!

What kind of axe is that? its got a bad ass inlay!

It's an Agile Intrepid Pro. The fretboard has no inlays from the factory, but I got some inlay decals on eBay and put them on in an offset pattern instead of the intended down-the-center pattern. I'm pretty happy with them, especially since I get lost higher up on the fretboard with 8 strings to keep track of and no inlays.

My photography is painfully amateur, but I'm getting better! I'm currently reading a book on exposure, and I have another one waiting to help with my composition.
You know I looked at those Agiles a few times and I have always been weary as to the quality.

Seriously from a musician stand point how do they play and sound. I have been an Ibanez Universe guy for 10 years, have you played a Universe and if so how comparable to the quality are the Agile guitars?

How was the setup when you got it?
Quality of the finish?
How well does it hold tuning?

For the price, Agiles freakin' rock. I haven't played a Universe, but I have two 7421s (the older ones with the 7621 necks). Comparing those to my Agile 7, The Ibanezes feel a bit nicer, but the specs on the Agile are nicer (5-piece maple neck-through with mahogany body wings) by enough that I prefer the Agile, even though those 7421s have been my workhorse babies for the better part of a decade. Even though it doesn't feel quite as nice, it doesn't feel cheap or shoddy in the slightest. My Agile 7 does have some marks on the board from some lazy fretwork, but my other two Agiles have nothing of the sort. The setups ranged from needing some work (8) to being almost spot on out of the box (Tele 6). The finishes are great. The two most gorgeous guitars I've ever owned are easily my RG-ish 7 and my Tele-type Agile 6. They stay in tune pretty well, too. Most of them come stock with Grovers, which I like more than the Gotohs Ibanez puts on everything. There are certainly a lot of better guitars out there, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find anything else nearly as nice at the same price point.
Already posted this along with a bunch of other photos in the 'Random Photo Thread'. But because I know how much the Neverboarders seem to like pets I though I better post it here too :p

ma bitchez
