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From other random articles on the web ....

Every hefe weizen I drank in Germany had a full slice of lemon dropped in after the pour.


Hefeweizen. When that beer caught on via the bartenders and waiters from other restaurants that drank at the Dublin Pub, adding lemon—thereby enhancing the beer’s prominent citrus flavor—became de rigueur.

I like lemon in my Hefe! Afterall its better then Lime in a Corona :zombie:
I wasn't talking to you Tobey...Guru called it a hefeweizen. I just don't get the hate of having lemon flavor in beer though. I guess you guys wouldn't like that beer straight, even.
I wasn't talking to you Tobey...Guru called it a hefeweizen. I just don't get the hate of having lemon flavor in beer though. I guess you guys wouldn't like that beer straight, even.
Huh? We drink witbier straight over here, it's just that we consider it weak beer, more suitable for women or adolescents who want to get used to the taste. It's sweeter and more accessible, even without lemon. I don't get why people feel the need to add fruit to beer, it's like raping a nun :D

It's like ordering Kriek and crushing berries and cherries into it like some sort of cocktail. YUK. It's a beer goddammit!
Old farts here in Belgium can't really take the taste of beer anymore, so they tend to order Kriek and ask for a spoon or two of strawberry syrup in it :lol:

That said, ordering Kriek as a man tends to get you ridiculed :D

...and thats why I love you
Awww ^_^
Annhauser-Busch is now owned by InBev, the Belgian brewer giant that brews, amongst others, Stella, Hoegaarden and Leffe. So what you said no longer applies ;)

Never drunk Caffrey's though. Amber's not really my thing. I prefer my beer the way I prefer my women: blonde.

strawberry syrup in kriek??? YUK!!!!
The old buggers can't really taste very well anymore, so they need a sugar overdose to be able to taste anything :D
Tell me about it. We were called imperialists, oppressors, and lepers just because one of our companies took over one of theirs. And honestly, anyone who likes Budweiser and doesn't think it could do with some change should be dragged out back and shot, then given a Budweiser enema.