post your sexy pics here

A lot of the poses like the ones in the pictures I've posted do use your legs, but you definitely need a lot of upper body strength to get yourself into those positions and to do a lot of the spins, and some of the moves put your arms in weird positions. Like the shoulder mount, which this chick does at the very beginning of the video:

Or the handspring, which I'm still working on.

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Ah yeah I kinda see what you mean. Shit, the handspring would take so much stabilization in all muscles I can't even imagine myself being able to do anything near that, good luck with it. That's kinda like the crazy dudes who can hang off of flag poles and make themselves parallel to the ground, it's wild what the body can be trained to do.

You mean like that? It's called the Chinese Flagpole and that's one I'm working on too. Unfortunately this was the only good video I could find of the move cause that lady is super obnoxious.
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You mean like that? It's called the Chinese Flagpole and that's one I'm working on too. Unfortunately this was the only good video I could find of the move cause that lady is super obnoxious.

wow yeah she's obnoxious as fuck and could easily just show the move without stumbling over the muscles trying to look smart; not exactly an informative video but yeah that's basically what I mean. The one that really impresses me though (that one does too though for sure haha) is when people do it with straight arms, not tucked around the pole and not one leg bent up, but the entire body is straight. I've only seen it done once on youtube by some insanely ripped dude in some city playground and the video was shitty quality but yeah it blew my mind. When you can do the one she's talking about that's still impressive as hell though, the one I saw of the guy doing it completely parallel is just a freak of nature I guess haha
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It's all about the core. If you're working the core, then you're working other parts of your body too, and the total effect is where it's at.

I work on my core a fair bit, and it's getting pretty solid. Just need to cut down on the beer! :D
depends on what you're defining the core as. some people just think of the core as abs, some think of it as abs and back, but it's really the lumbo pelvic hip complex (collection of about 29 muscles) and you don't need to be working the entire body to isolate the core (on the other hand you can train a lot of muscles while hardly training the core which is why a lot of people have low back pain). overtraining the core can be bad though, like if you just have a super strong rectus abdominus but weak erector spinae or upper back or legs or any other muscles you'd have a weird set of muscle imbalances going on.

away from my douchey fitness knowledge yeah core strength is where it's at; I train my entire core a ton functionally so I can use it for martial arts to get that rotation and power and stability, I don't really ever do just regular situps. In the end though that 6 pack and ripped core thing comes mostly from not having fat around the stomach; I train core a shitload and have really strong muscles there but I don't really see the changes in the actual definition of the 6 pack until I see the pounds coming off of the entire body and not just training it to get more definition and hypertrophy like you can with other muscles.

such an excessively long post, I guess that's what happens when it's like 1 am and there's nothing to do :p
Well, I see the core as the whole middle of the body. I try to train all if it, through various exercises. It's pretty strong, and I'm aware that the "six pack" is a result of low body fat, not endless sit-ups. My body fat is at a great level, and when I gain some it all goes to the stomach, but leaves there last.

Basically I can see the shape of my core and I'm happy with it. I just like beer too much to cut it out for a while.
I'm the same way, since I'm so short-waisted all of my fat accumulates on my stomach, which is totally lame. I have absolutely no sympathy for girls who complain about their asses getting fat. I'm working on it though, and if I lose a little more weight I'm going to reward myself with a belly button piercing. :)
Well, I see the core as the whole middle of the body. I try to train all if it, through various exercises. It's pretty strong, and I'm aware that the "six pack" is a result of low body fat, not endless sit-ups. My body fat is at a great level, and when I gain some it all goes to the stomach, but leaves there last.

Basically I can see the shape of my core and I'm happy with it. I just like beer too much to cut it out for a while.

by middle do you include chest and upper back? either way yeah it doesn't really matter, if you have strong abs, chest and back you'll be pretty fit and strong; arms and shoulders just add. I'm not even sure where my fat goes haha, I was pretty damn fat until just about 6 months ago when I started martial arts (I was huge from weight lifting but just ate a shitload and never did cardio, just constant bulking) and now I've got what resembles kinda a 6 pack haha. One thing that actually does help a lot is stabilization abs stuff for the transverse abdominus like prone iso ab (also known as plank, balancing on your forearms and toes while holding your body parallel to the floor), when you do it you have to tighten your abs and suck in your stomach and by training the transverse abdominus it actually makes that stronger so naturally your stomach is just tighter and more sucked in and gets rid of the beer belly a lot. If you don't do that you should really try it, it'll severely reduce the beer belly and if you don't have a lot of body fat like you say it'll really help. The only time it could cause a problem is if you have body fat but have a super tight stomach it could make your tits stick out but I doubt you have that haha
Just need to cut down on the beer! :D
I dunno man, I haven't cut down on dem beerz at all and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in! Sixer is definitely comin around to say what's up these days. I don't really do anything special other than train jiu-jitsu, which does involve a fair amount of core exercises in each class, and hike a bit. I'm not sure what's going really, because I don't really eat like a health pro or anything and I drink a good amount of 21+ beverages. I think it must be that I just don't eat very much. I never eat breakfast, I usually have an average size lunch and then nothing else until 9 or 10pm, which can be a variety of things, big or small. Usually nothing amazingly good for me. Sometimes it's different. Sometimes I gorge the hell out on shitgrease burgers and fries all night long and IPAs. Other days I barely eat anything, other times I can go for a few weeks of eating ultra healthy.

I think this overall is probably not healthy or very good for me, yeah? I'm strong and in good shape, but I'm not putting on any weight either. I'm actually getting lighter and I'm not sure if it's necessarily good.

Anyways, my point was DRINK DEM BEERZ IT CAN BE DONE!!!
You're not very muscular yeah? I mean like bulky wise; from what I've seen you're just a regular physique dude that doesn't lift or anything right? What you're doing is not healthy yeah but the combo of insane cardio and calorie burning from your bjj plus hiking (far more intense than just walking or even some weight lifting metabolic needs wise) is burning off everything you eat because you don't eat enough so your energy need is less than your intake thus decreasing body fat and (if you overdo it too much) lean muscle mass (but I doubt that's your case or you'd notice it in your bjj and feel weaker). So in the end your body fat is really low so you're able to see your 6 pack just from the fact that you don't eat enough and burn too many calories and your core is being trained from bjj (they aren't big muscles and don't require a lot of protein and food to rebuild like say doing super heavy explosive squats would). If you wanted to put on muscle you'd have to start eating better and drinking less because if you don't eat enough you don't have enough protein to sustain the building of muscle and adding the extra mass and sustaining the energy to lift so your body would have to break down muscles to get the energy it needs.
by middle do you include chest and upper back? either way yeah it doesn't really matter, if you have strong abs, chest and back you'll be pretty fit and strong; arms and shoulders just add. I'm not even sure where my fat goes haha, I was pretty damn fat until just about 6 months ago when I started martial arts (I was huge from weight lifting but just ate a shitload and never did cardio, just constant bulking) and now I've got what resembles kinda a 6 pack haha. One thing that actually does help a lot is stabilization abs stuff for the transverse abdominus like prone iso ab (also known as plank, balancing on your forearms and toes while holding your body parallel to the floor), when you do it you have to tighten your abs and suck in your stomach and by training the transverse abdominus it actually makes that stronger so naturally your stomach is just tighter and more sucked in and gets rid of the beer belly a lot. If you don't do that you should really try it, it'll severely reduce the beer belly and if you don't have a lot of body fat like you say it'll really help. The only time it could cause a problem is if you have body fat but have a super tight stomach it could make your tits stick out but I doubt you have that haha

I read about the plank a few years back and I do it every workout. I use a machine which is ostensibly for your legs, but it involves your core being strong enough to stay straight and allow the legs to work. I usually "plank" in-between sets on that.

The result is usually a sweet burn, but nothing painful. I put my time doing that down as the reason for the reasonably strong looking shape I'm getting.

I dunno man, I haven't cut down on dem beerz at all and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in! Sixer is definitely comin around to say what's up these days. I don't really do anything special other than train jiu-jitsu, which does involve a fair amount of core exercises in each class, and hike a bit. I'm not sure what's going really, because I don't really eat like a health pro or anything and I drink a good amount of 21+ beverages. I think it must be that I just don't eat very much. I never eat breakfast, I usually have an average size lunch and then nothing else until 9 or 10pm, which can be a variety of things, big or small. Usually nothing amazingly good for me. Sometimes it's different. Sometimes I gorge the hell out on shitgrease burgers and fries all night long and IPAs. Other days I barely eat anything, other times I can go for a few weeks of eating ultra healthy.

I think this overall is probably not healthy or very good for me, yeah? I'm strong and in good shape, but I'm not putting on any weight either. I'm actually getting lighter and I'm not sure if it's necessarily good.

Anyways, my point was DRINK DEM BEERZ IT CAN BE DONE!!!

Well, I love the beers, but I suppose my diet is more balanced than yours, and so the regular beerage really just adds things to my diet that I don't really need.

The thing is that I fucking love beer. I'm nuts about sucking down a good number of great ales once or twice a week, and I feel like it's holding me back a bit in my training. When one has beer here, it's common to have loads of salty snack foods on the table to enhance the flavour of the beer. It all goes together.
I read about the plank a few years back and I do it every workout. I use a machine which is ostensibly for your legs, but it involves your core being strong enough to stay straight and allow the legs to work. I usually "plank" in-between sets on that.

The result is usually a sweet burn, but nothing painful. I put my time doing that down as the reason for the reasonably strong looking shape I'm getting.

Nice, that's one definitely good way to do it. I do some days all rep based core, some days all stabilization based core, some days super low reps because I do weighted stuff (cable chops, weighted situps etc) and some days i'll do reps until I can't anymore and then plank until I can't, it makes the time needed to get that burn a lot less and it keeps the body guessing so you never adapt and plateau.
I didn't even know it was happening until Saturday morning when Lesa offered me a ticket in exchange for letting them crash at my house.

I completely missed the fact that you posted photos already.
Haha, I faaail.

Great pics, btw!
You really look amazing, keep it up!
Cosby asking Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?

It's all about the core. If you're working the core, then you're working other parts of your body too, and the total effect is where it's at.

I work on my core a fair bit, and it's getting pretty solid. Just need to cut down on the beer! :D

Yeah working on your core is awesome. I do a lot of Pilates at the gym myself, and it's amazing.

I have absolutely no sympathy for girls who complain about their asses getting fat.

Well, we all complain about something don't we? My ass and thighs are the first to see signs of fat and boy, do I hate it.

I dunno man, I haven't cut down on dem beerz at all and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in! Sixer is definitely comin around to say what's up these days. I don't really do anything special other than train jiu-jitsu, which does involve a fair amount of core exercises in each class, and hike a bit. I'm not sure what's going really, because I don't really eat like a health pro or anything and I drink a good amount of 21+ beverages. I think it must be that I just don't eat very much. I never eat breakfast, I usually have an average size lunch and then nothing else until 9 or 10pm, which can be a variety of things, big or small. Usually nothing amazingly good for me. Sometimes it's different. Sometimes I gorge the hell out on shitgrease burgers and fries all night long and IPAs. Other days I barely eat anything, other times I can go for a few weeks of eating ultra healthy.

I think this overall is probably not healthy or very good for me, yeah? I'm strong and in good shape, but I'm not putting on any weight either. I'm actually getting lighter and I'm not sure if it's necessarily good.

Anyways, my point was DRINK DEM BEERZ IT CAN BE DONE!!!

I know you are in good shape, and boy, we all love them beers!
But depending on your muscles and work out goals, if you exercise and drink your body is robbed of a precious chemical called “human growth hormone” or HGH. HGH is part of the normal muscle-building and repair process and the body’s way of telling itself your muscle needs to grow bigger and stronger. Alcohol, however, can decrease the secretion of HGH by as much as 70 percent! Also, when alcohol is in your body, the production of a substance in your liver is triggered that is directly toxic to testosterone, a hormone essential to the development and recovery of your muscles. (that was just quoted from a health article)
Also , your body will either reach plateau, or lose weight - which is what happening.

With that being said though, you are in great shape and you feel and look great. I think that's the main thing for now. When your goals will chance/ or reach plateau, consider 'changing' your drinking routines a bit.

I am trying that myself... I think my body is at that point also. so I am trying not to drink my occasional glass during the week when I go to the gym, and leave my drinking for the weekend only (if at all) . We'll see how it goes!