post your sexy pics here

Oh don't even get me started on how epic that mane is. You can't cut more than an inch off for maintenance, anything more is a felony and a civil disservice at this point.
great record.

On the contrary good sir! I agree with good ideas, disagree with bad ones, and sometimes contradict myself and others just for amusement. But not always!
Nah, on a serious note, cut a bunch of that shit off. Not all of it but your pic from the back makes it look stringy, thin, and fried. Long hair is cool as long as it's maintained well. Most of my friends are longhairs and some of them look like meth junkies because they think that just because it's long it looks good.
The long hair supporters need to diverge and deviate from the spiteful neverboard masses in order to form a unified faction of organized and oppressive power. Who's got an idea for a logo and flag?