post your sexy pics here

*Has the ninjas air-drop 200 tons of premium marijuana at the faction member's homes, thus ending the crusade before it gets anywhere.*
I know it's a frivolous matter, just looking for some opinions. I'm probably going to cut to around where the second tie from the bottom is in the last pic. The ends are too stringy and the last trim I had was probably around six inches ago so they could be healthier.
I believe that once hair hits your butt crack you start slowly sliding out of metal guy territory and start creeping towards a more seedy wiccan-like state of being.

the end result being

Yeah, I've been realizing that the past few weeks.

Also I don't want to end up being associated with Leaves Eyes in any way, shape, or form.
Hair can definitely get exceedingly long. Mine reached a point where I had to say stop and trim it a while back and now I'm about ready again. It's just too awkward to feel it on the small of my back. I can't explain it, it just doesn't feel right.

Although, half of me wants to shave it all off just to throw myself out of my comfort zone. I haven't had short hair since i was 13 and not having to clean it up off every part of my floor constantly is starting to sound appealing.
I have a feeling that over the years I'll probably gradually cut it shorter as I grow more and more tired of post-concert brushing. That and the fact that my grandfather on my mother's side is very bald and they say that's the most likely family member to get it from... :erk:
Hair can definitely get exceedingly long. Mine reached a point where I had to say stop and trim it a while back and now I'm about ready again. It's just too awkward to feel it on the small of my back. I can't explain it, it just doesn't feel right.

Although, half of me wants to shave it all off just to throw myself out of my comfort zone. I haven't had short hair since i was 13 and not having to clean it up off every part of my floor constantly is starting to sound appealing.

*shakes you, slaps you a few times*
Don't be fucking stupid. I had hair down to my ass. Long, dense, thick, lovely hair.

Until I shaved it.

For a brief period, I looked like the clean-shaved buttocks of a real sexy gigolo.
I thought, heck, it can't get any worse, can it? It started to grow and I was overly hideous for quite some time.

Maybe the shape of YOUR head isn't as fucked up as mine, but I wouldn't risk it if I were you. In fact, If I could, I'd go back in time and give myself some anal thrashing for my transgression.
How about some anal thrashing now? just kidding...
I"m grownin' my hair out again it's like 8 inches but I gotta trim it again. I hate trimming, that whole "trimming helps the hair grow faster" can be bullshit sometimes cause one year I trimmed it regularly and I didn't even grow one inch that year. Fuck that man. Oh well. Right now, this is the longest my hair has been since it before I cut it 4 years ago.
Grown men, in full possession of their faculties, talking about hair. For all intents and purposes, this is borderline metrosexuality.:headbang:
Yes, goddamnit, you inbred harlot, I daresay we're all operating to the best extent of our abilities. Which may not be much, but ey... that's another reason to keep the hair. :D
All in all, keeping in line with the prosaic title of the thread, I say few things are sexier than long hair on a guy. Thus, nothing metrosexual in essence about discussing long hair on guys. For it is hot. Oh hey, Yossarianus, suck black panther balls!:oops: