post your sexy pics here

Fiddlesticks. Hogwash. BALZAC. I beg to differ.

I've never, in my life, been to an English-speaking country. More to the point, until the 1st of April 2010, I've seldom used English outside the confines and utter comfort of my home, yet I would go as far as to say that my English is marginally acceptable.
Well, of course it's different for every person. If you have English speaking channels on television that you grew up with, much like what Morbides mentioned, it's extremely helpful. But it has to be all original language and not an option to select which language you want, like Sky is here.

Italians need to be forced to learn English, that's it. Dubbing is horrible.
And DW, thanks for the thumbs up. My English is actually the result of the satellite TV hype in Romania in the early 90s, whence under communism there existed only 2 local posts. Watching Cartoon Network nonstop combined with the natural ability of children to catch on fast resulted in an almost natural approach of the language in my early school years. This continued throughout high school and college. Although I must admit I'm getting a bit rusty as far as my accent is concerned.

Accents are overrated. In fact, Americans prefer accents. There is waaaaaayyyyyy too much emphasis put on pronunciation instead of speaking.

I'd also have to say that Romanian people are extremely bright, at least in my experience with them. I'm not talking about the immigrants and stereotypes, but the real Romanian people in the cities and universities.
And DW, thanks for the thumbs up. My English is actually the result of the satellite TV hype in Romania in the early 90s, whence under communism there existed only 2 local posts. Watching Cartoon Network nonstop combined with the natural ability of children to catch on fast resulted in an almost natural approach of the language in my early school years. This continued throughout high school and college. Although I must admit I'm getting a bit rusty as far as my accent is concerned.

If that's how you learned, I hope you didn't watch as much Dexer's Laboratory as I did.

(Hear that Dave?DAVE.)- inside joke. Dave is Hungarian, yet he was raised in Romania. I allow myself to make these sensitive remarks because I know the person very well. Nothing xenophobic about it.
Well, admittedly, English is a very easy language to learn. The structures are retardedly simple and the vocabulary IS pop culture. The difficult parts about it are the ever-changing rules and phrasal verbs. I think coming from a Latin-based language structure, people would find English quite simple. It's a shame more people don't try to learn it.
Well, admittedly, English is a very easy language to learn. The structures are retardedly simple and the vocabulary IS pop culture. The difficult parts about it are the ever-changing rules and phrasal verbs.

How ironic, considering the fact that the English language is a conglomerate of languages pertaining from, yet not evolving in continental Europe. Here I'm talking about the layers of Anglo-Saxon, Latin, Celtic.
One would expect German to be easier to learn, as it is more straightforward as far as influences are concerned. But..we all know it is not so.
But Romantic language speakers(Romanians go here) might experience more difficulties in learning Germanic languages such as English just as Germanic language speakers have a difficult time learning the former.
Precisely. Being a somewhat focused individual, it wasn't too difficult for me to learn Italian. I still have problems with some of the more advanced aspects of it, but the great thing about Romantic languages is that they are quite rigid and follow rules for the most part. You just have to follow the rules and you'll get there.

The fucking conditionals kill me every time. I have to stop and think about it. For us, it's basically using were instead of was, but in Romance languages it's waaaaay different.

For example, if I wanted to say, "If I had enough money, I would go with you to the cinema", I have to think about the conditional of "I" and "I would", which ends up being: "Se avessi abbastanza soldi, io andrei con te al cinema". My English brain wants to say it like I would in English, which would be like, "Se avevo abbastanza soldi..." but it's incorrect. Then you have to think of AAAALL the conditionals for each pronoun with the word "have": avessi, avrebbe, avremmo, avessimo, avrete, avrebbero. And THEN you have to think of all the modal verbs for "would go" for all the pronouns, which would be: andrei, andresti, andrebbe, andremmo, andrete (?), andrebbero.

Since you can't use I would, you would, he would, she would like in English, you have to conjugate every single one into a different verb form, which gets complicated sometimes.
I've encountered similar problems while studying German.
But as Italian, Spanish and French have a common background with Romanian, I understand all of them acceptably. The only one I can actually speak is Spanish(due to ALL those soap operas back in the early days of free TV).
See, this all depends though. There are some people who look better with long hair and some who look better with short. I do not look good with long hair...I never have...therefore I kept it short.

Meph, I was kidding when I said to shave it...I wouldn't shave my head if I were you. Baby steps, man. If you wanna do something drastic, cut it to your shoulders and go all Lorenzo Lamas on everyone. Then after a while, cut it like Gavin Rossdale circa 1995, around the base of the skull. Then cut it all off after that. Do these things in increments.

But overall, I agree with Derek; it simply isn't important how long or short your hair is. Let's be honest here. The only reasons for a guy to actually care about his long hair are three:

1. He likes headbanging

2. Girls tell him they like his hair

3. He's narcissistic and does what other people tell him to do instead of what he wants

That's about it. Having to dry your hair for an hour after every shower, having to constantly brush the tangles out of it, and having to clean up your hair everywhere in the house cannot be enjoyable. And let's not even get into dreads....ugh. I don't care who you are, dreadlocks make a person look skeevy.

I love my men with long hair, but I agree that it doesn't look good on just anyone. Yeah sometimes short can be as sexy.

and I also agree about hair being too long.. I hate that... I used to have REALLY long hair as well, until I realized that just about passed my boob-line is the perfect length for me.
When hair gets too long, it simply looks life-less and droopy.

With that being said: some guys do like their hair and their reasons for keeping it long are not all about "if they like to headbang/ girls/ etc"

One last thing about hair:
I love men with this kind of hair too :oops: sooo hot!
(ignore the 'faces' just look at the hair)
There are much better options for 'short hair' on men than the 'shaved look'




I even love Bloom's messy-style


See??? If you cut it, at least do something that still looks hot!
The reason we shave our heads ladies is cause as we get older we LOSE IT!

I was blessed with the most beautiful flowing long amazing hair till I hit 25!!!


So .... without $30k for Hair Replacement whats a guy to do?

You find me a photo of a balding (not bald) man that looks hot, and Ill do whatever he does to HIS hair