post your sexy pics here

Less gay talk, more sexy pics plz.
Aye aye capn!

Total bullshit dude haha. Washing/conditioning every other day, drying, brushing, these things alone are more work than running a razor over your dome once every couple weeks.

You could never possibly convince me that shaving your head is the same amount of work as keeping long hair nice.

Fucking big time LOLz going on here :lol:

haha yeah. because i do it once every 2 or 3 weeks, i tend to have to buzz it down a bit before shaving, which adds a little bit of time, but honestly it never takes me more than 20-30 minutes a time. As someone who had long hair once, I am definitely spending less time overall on it, when it was like 5-10 minutes (not counting drying time) every day before.

It's also worth mentioning that I am also still kinda new to shaving my head, so it probably takes me longer than a pro like DW.
I don't shave my head, I just buzz it, so it takes me all of 5 minutes every few weeks.

To put it in perspective, shaving my face is way more annoying than keeping my dome in shape.
Haha yeah how many people were bleeding all over the floor? That shit used to crack me up. They were so scared they couldn't hold a razor steady and one guy even shaved off his eyebrows because the TI said he didn't wanna see a single hair on his face.

There's always one.
Electric razors agitate my skin too much...I only use them in emergencies.

I typically let my face get all grizzly and stuff and then when I just can't take the itching anymore I shave it. Usually every summer I have the WD long tuft of hair down the asscrack of my chin, but then it starts to curl under and shit so I end up shaving it off too. I've got grey all over my chin when i grow it out too. It's fucking rad.
if you like your skin burning be my guest. Also to-shave-beard is sexy as hell
I'm keeping my hair long for as long as I can, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose it. My maternal grandfather had a dome by the time he was in his early 20s. I've had a sharp widow's peak since my early teens, and my hairline actually receded a bit in my late teens. It came back, though, so I'm not sure what to think about that. A lot of the time I think that it would be easier if I had less hair to deal with, as mine can be very uncooperative most of the time, but I figure there will be plenty of time to enjoy that when I don't have a choice in the matter.