post your sexy pics here

Aye aye capn!

And that is how you do it!

eletric razor is one of the greatest invention of mankind
Real men shave with a straight razor.
ugh, i went down from 210 to 170 which is great and i've lost a lot of fat but now i feel like a twig even though i still have the same strength, eat a good diet filled with protein and lift every day. trying to bulk up without eating a shitload and gaining fat is ridiculously difficult and is driving me crazyyyy; i never realized until this point how much of the size that makes people look like they have big muscles and strength is actually just fat (I've lost a little bit of strength but really not much, maybe a rep or 2 off each exercise that i do with the same weight so I guess just the fat is coming off where my muscles are). I'm going to have to just lift even more intense than I do now because even though I'm really cut now last time my mom saw me she was like damn bulk up and eat a burger or something, you look scrawny and I definitely can't pull the tough guy frontman card when everyone in the audience thinks their little sister could beat me up haha
before (september):

from a week ago:

They may not look much different on the surface but the first pic is in a size L shirt, 2nd pic is in a size M shirt
I'm down from 260 almost exactly a year ago to 217 right now. over 40 pounds. I've definitely gained muscle too. I'm sure I've lost about 50 pounds of fat. Fortunately I'm still 6'3" and have a broad frame so I never could really look too frail. Thank you oh frame-o-the-nords

Mr. Awesome - I'm the same way. My maternal grandfather was bald at 19 and I've always had a high forehead. But I don't think it's receded at all in a few years. At 26 now, I might be in the clear. As for your hair coming back... that's just weird
I've never weighed over 150 :lol: but then again i'm like 12.

another pic from playing the national anthem, hair looks retarded :lol:


how tall are you? you look like you have very little muscle and if you're under 6 foot i wouldn't be surprised if you never weighed more than 150 (if you are tall though thats a pretty ridiculously low weight though)
Yeah, cool job. Were those originally long sweatpants or something? If not, that logo job is immaculate. I though the picture was linked from somewhere on the internet at first before I read the caption. Very model-like quality