post your sexy pics here

*shakes you, slaps you a few times*
Just for the record... I don't have any intentions of cutting my hair any time soon.

However, I will not ever, ever say that I will never cut it. Because even though I don't have any intentions of doing it at this point in time, that could easily change someday.

Or I might get too drunk around a campfire and lose it unwillingly. That would be unfortunate.

Bottom line is I love my hair and most other people do too and I'm keeping it on my head until I don't want it there anymore :)
the last time I had hair down to my shoulders I lost it to chemo haha.

But I looked stupid with long hair, I think I just didn't feel like cutting it and I liked it for headbanging when playing live. 90 percent of the time I wore it tied back and with a hat over it.

but yeah, I'm slowly but steadily losing it so I keep it short now. Plus I've had a hat fetish since like 7th grade, so most people don't know what I look like with an actual hairstyle outside of playing sports and taking yearbook pictures.
1. He likes headbanging

2. Girls tell him they like his hair

3. He's narcissistic and does what other people tell him to do instead of what he wants
1. I only headbang if I'm playing on stage with a band. Which I haven't done for like 2 years. Brushing my hair out after our set was always one of the single most horrifying experiences of my life. I absolutely DO NOT miss it. I agree headbanging is fun and rad, but I never do it and it's not why I keep my hair long.

2. This much is very true :)

3. LOL ok :)

I've been thinking about this all morning, trying to figure out why I have my hair long. I don't do it to associate myself with "metal". In fact, that's something I've honestly been trying to separate myself from in recent years. Tom said earlier that long hair is basically synonymous with metal and I think that's unfortunate, but it is what it is. I don't keep it long to please women, although I can't lie and deny that I enjoy the great compliments I get from them :) I don't keep it long because others tell me I should.

I don't know, I think what it's really about is that I do it to be different and I do it because it makes me comfortable. Sometimes when I'm in a foul mood and I'm walking around with it hanging down in front of my face, I think that maybe I'm subconsciously hiding myself from others or something.

I think the fact that my hair is totally awesome and epic helps a lot too. If I had shitty hair, it probably would have been chopped years ago. But, in lieu of tooting my own horn, my hair is amazing and it really does seem like a waste to cut it off right now when I still enjoy it so much.
Yeah I would have kept my hair if it wasn't for the fact that I started balding at 18 :(
Max brings up another good point. My hair goes BYE BYE when it starts falling out for sure. I will not be a half baldy. HELL NO. When I notice my hairline receding beyond the point of no return, it's head shave time. Fortunately, baldness doesn't run in my family :)
My fate as to whether or not I will be cursed with baldness is a little ambiguous. My dad has gone bald, but my mother has very thick hair. And I've not only inherited the same hair colour as her but I also have ridiculously thick hair, so maybe, just maybe I might be lucky. But yeah I did enjoy having a lovely thick long mane, but I just couldn't handle the maintenance really. As someone said earlier, waiting for an hour just for your hair to dry is pretty shit, especially when in the end it didn't even look good on me anyway.
the usual rule is your mother's father. but it isn't full proof.

Sometimes it goes by who you look like in your family. I got my mom's dad, bald egghead steeze by 35-40 no doubt. My father has more hair than I do and my older brother isn't balding at all, and he's an exact replica of my mom's brother, you died in his 60s with a full head of hair.

win some lose some :D
haha yeah, mother's father is the rule I've always heard too. In that case for me, I'd be ultra lucky as my grandfather died at 82 with a full head of peppered hair (gray and black).

My dad is in his mid 60s now and balding just a little bit. I definitely look more like him than my mom and her side of the family though. Whatever happens happens. Just gotta enjoy this fucking WAR MANE while I can!
If I were you Kevin, I would probably cut my hair just based on your active life style. Long hair was too much for me to maintain, especially when it gets sweaty everyday and having to wash and maintain it all the time. But, it seems like you enjoy it alot so simply don't do it. However, when you finally cut your hair, you say to yourself, "How come I didn't do this earlier?!"
guys older than 40 with really good hair just need to make sure not to fall into the lesbian haircut trap.

my mom and richie sambora have the same haircut. shit ain't right.

I have super thick hair, and could never maintain it if it were any longer. My grandfather is almost 80, and he still has a full head of hair, so I'm not worried whatsoever about balding.

Plus, the whole long hair being synonymous with metal is bullshit.
If I were you Kevin, I would probably cut my hair just based on your active life style. Long hair was too much for me to maintain, especially when it gets sweaty everyday and having to wash and maintain it all the time. But, it seems like you enjoy it alot so simply don't do it.
Yeah, those are the only times it annoys me, but I think I actually get some kind of sick satisfaction out of doing it, knowing that most other people probably can't. Also, maintaining my hair is just part of life for me at this point. I don't have any short hair experience to compare it to, so I just deal with it as part of my routine and nothing seems out of the ordinary.

However, when you finally cut your hair, you say to yourself, "How come I didn't do this earlier?!"
I fully 100% expect this to happen :lol:
you still gotta shave it at least every couple of days, and that's maintenance just as much as it would be to condition and finish long hair after showering, so QED bitch.
you still gotta shave it at least every couple of days, and that's maintenance just as much as it would be to condition and finish long hair after showering, so QED bitch.
Depends on how long the hair is. There's a strong chance that I spend more time on maintenance than someone who keeps their head shaved.
you still gotta shave it at least every couple of days, and that's maintenance just as much as it would be to condition and finish long hair after showering, so QED bitch.
Total bullshit dude haha. Washing/conditioning every other day, drying, brushing, these things alone are more work than running a razor over your dome once every couple weeks.

You could never possibly convince me that shaving your head is the same amount of work as keeping long hair nice.

Fucking big time LOLz going on here :lol: