post your sexy pics here

*hae faev*

Edit: But, in all honesty, I let your mom do it for me. She's a very grateful woman.
Grown men, in full possession of their faculties, talking about hair. For all intents and purposes, this is borderline metrosexuality.:headbang:

Long hair on guys is pretty much synonymous with being metal, so I think we're all right as long as nobody tells him to frost it.
If you have great long hair DON'T FUCKING CUT IT
I do not know how much clearer this can possibly be!

See, this all depends though. There are some people who look better with long hair and some who look better with short. I do not look good with long hair...I never have...therefore I kept it short.

Meph, I was kidding when I said to shave it...I wouldn't shave my head if I were you. Baby steps, man. If you wanna do something drastic, cut it to your shoulders and go all Lorenzo Lamas on everyone. Then after a while, cut it like Gavin Rossdale circa 1995, around the base of the skull. Then cut it all off after that. Do these things in increments.

But overall, I agree with Derek; it simply isn't important how long or short your hair is. Let's be honest here. The only reasons for a guy to actually care about his long hair are three:

1. He likes headbanging

2. Girls tell him they like his hair

3. He's narcissistic and does what other people tell him to do instead of what he wants

That's about it. Having to dry your hair for an hour after every shower, having to constantly brush the tangles out of it, and having to clean up your hair everywhere in the house cannot be enjoyable. And let's not even get into dreads....ugh. I don't care who you are, dreadlocks make a person look skeevy.
Those are all partial reasons for which I keep my hair long as well.
I think you should cut out the last part in the 3rd one though.
Well, you're a girl...usually girls look great with long hair no matter who they are.

I've been wondering something about you. How the hell do you speak English so well? You speak as if it's your native language.
Mind you, foreign speakers are often driven to excel when it comes to learning a language, in fear of being the subject of ridicule and/or sexual harassment. And no, she doesn't. She has lots of typos most of the time and has great trouble spelling the word 'talk'.
Grown men, in full possession of their faculties, talking about hair. For all intents and purposes, this is borderline metrosexuality.:headbang:
Mind you, foreign speakers are often driven to excel when it comes to learning a language, in fear of being the subject of ridicule and/or sexual harassment. And no, she doesn't. She has lots of typos most of the time and has great trouble spelling the word 'talk'.

This is true that usually foreign speakers have a strong will to speak English correctly....except in Italy.
No, not really. They realize that they can't go anywhere speaking Italian, but they just don't care about learning anything else. Life's good in Italy so there's no reason moving, in their least it was. They're starting to change their tune, though, and want to move to new places. I hear all the time people complaining and saying they're gonna leave and I always ask them how they're gonna get by when they don't speak the language. They didn't think about that, and so they rush to take English lessons, like they're computer lessons or something. I tell them that by now, they're gonna have to study for about 10 years to become fluent. The shitty part of all this is that English is taught in every single school as a mandatory course from elementary through high school, but they only teach rules and that can only take you so far.

It's not so different from native English speakers...they always fall back on the, "but English is the international language", but that's a crock. The real reason most native English speakers don't speak a foreign language is the exact same reason other cultures don't speak English very well: they're lazy and just don't care.
It's interesting when half the company you work for refuses to learn English. Orr when-a dey doo, dey-a talk-a like-a Super Marrio, allora.
It's interesting when half the company you work for refuses to learn English. Orr when-a dey doo, dey-a talk-a like-a Super Marrio, allora.

The best way to learn English imo is to live in an English-speaking country. A friend of mine spoke relatively little English but recently moved to Dublin and his company is an Italian company, so he speaks Italian with his coworkers. However, living there he has made great strides in just a year with English and speaks quite well now. I speak Italian because I live here...studying Italian for years in the states would probably only bring me halfway to the point I am now.

And the "uhs" drive me fucking nuts here when they speak English. It's mainly people from the south who speak like that, but you'll see it on tv commercials as well. I have a student whose brother works for Versace furniture design in Milan and works almost exclusively with Americans, and he told me that it has in fact become like a small New York City in the past few years. It's much more international now and many people speak English, which is a stark turnaround from when I was frequenting Milan just a few years ago. It's a good sign, I guess. But then again, it's the north and they've always been light years ahead of the south.
And DW, thanks for the thumbs up. My English is actually the result of the satellite TV hype in Romania in the early 90s, whence under communism there existed only 2 local posts. Watching Cartoon Network nonstop combined with the natural ability of children to catch on fast resulted in an almost natural approach of the language in my early school years. This continued throughout high school and college. Although I must admit I'm getting a bit rusty as far as my accent is concerned.