post your sexy pics here

what was the name of that Heartless dude??? I can't remember..
Heartless Name/Undefined was called Joe. He sucked cock like a Filipina whore.

[KOTNO]Narrot;9104178 said:
You look so German it's almost scary.
We have 4 David's here

NoLordy, Stormo, Narrot and LordFoul

didnt know about lordfoul's name ...

Heartless Name/Undefined was called Joe. He sucked cock like a Filipina whore.

Right, Joe it was. Had josh in mind but it didnt sound totally correct

You look so German it's almost scary.

um, how so? except for being blonde maybe? i hope that's not a _totally_ horrible thing so... no lederhosen btw ...
Some people definitely have 'looks'
Stormo looks Dutch/Flemish to me, (maybe more Flemish, because you actually have a chin) and Narrot does have German features.
That's not bad though! I mean.... after all, you are who you are :)
very good then. i see how it's necessary for some people to work at night and such but still i think they should get some compensation because horrible working times can fuck up your social life pretty bad imo.

since we are in a picture thread i will post another picture. this one is actually from a recent trip to london (typical tourist photographing place i guess) with my g/f... the hat isn't mine btw q:


edit: on looks, yea... it's true. especially when clothing style adds to the look. when i was in sweden it was really obvious to me. not only that everyone had swedish features there (more than blonde hair) everyone dressed 'the same' (from my german pov) ... quite interesting to see
Indeed. Anthropology has taught me (somewhat) a bit about distinguishing ethnic background from physical traits. It's quite crazy, when you think about it.

it isnt imo. you can clearly distinguish asian folk from people from europe or so... can't you? ... why shouldnt you be able to distinguish a bit further when you look more in detail...
um, sorry... i will rephrase. if you can distinguish if asian or european without any problems why shouldn't it be possible to distinguish between let's say eastern europeans and central europeans. the differences may not that big and obvious but if you have a closer look it should be easily possible to find characteristic traits ...