post your sexy pics here

not really.

here's me hanging out at a bar with some folks.

I had this jellyfish shirt custom made! I think they put the logo a little too low, but it came out pretty good.


[KOTNO]Narrot;9105088 said:
um, sorry... i will rephrase. if you can distinguish if asian or european without any problems why shouldn't it be possible to distinguish between let's say eastern europeans and central europeans. the differences may not that big and obvious but if you have a closer look it should be easily possible to find characteristic traits ...

I think that it's all about exposure to various individuals and knowing what someone is, based off of experience/knowledge. I was once told by a Korean friend that all white people look alike and all Asians all look alike to most white people. We're (Americans) exposed to a fair number of ethnic groups and such but we're not educated on it.

That being said, I feel that if you were to look at a picture of me, you wouldn't be able to guess all of my ethnic background. This is because I'm a mutt: I have a wide range of ethnicity. A previous client of mine was an Anthropology (Biology) major and she even struggled to distinguish all of my ethnic background. Though, after a little time, she was able to but at first, she could only catch the dominant traits that distinguish who I am.

Once again, I feel that you really have to know what you're looking for; in order to be able to make these determinations.
yeah it's really not that hard usually i can distinguish peoples ancestry over here, and if i get stumped doing that usually i just ask them their last name and that's enough too get it right. If it were actually someone foreign i would have a little more to go on than looks, im beginning to learn to differentiate between accents, the only one i've actually encountered irl that i couldn't guess was an Aussie and a Kiwi I had met at school once. also had two Ukrainian foreign exchange students and i guessed Russian before i even knew, but at least i was close >_<

i have a feeling if i went to a concert like Wacken i would be just as interested in the different people there than the bands playing :p

i should probably just become an anthropologist and be done with it.
i can totally tell the difference between different euros and im just a dumb american.

Yeah same here. Most of the time.

Usually i can tell what nationality a person is by their accent if i listen close enough.

i have a feeling if i went to a concert like Wacken i would be just as interested in the different people there than the bands playing
Oh totally! I would be MORE interested in the different people than the bands playing! All sorts go to Wacken. It would be awesome to see.
I can even tell what language different Europeans speak with 80% accuracy before they open their mouths. I guess working at an airport does that for you. Same with Americans, you can just tell if someone's American from the looks of them. Well, usually, at least. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it. Same with Asians - distinguishing the Chinese from the Japanese from the Koreans, for instance, is very easy, even if you don't look at the eyes. Africans all look the same though.

Also, azal, you and your cardigans :lol: