post your sexy pics here

Webcam pics \m/. This will have to do.



I can even tell what language different Europeans speak with 80% accuracy before they open their mouths. I guess working at an airport does that for you. Same with Americans, you can just tell if someone's American from the looks of them. Well, usually, at least. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it. Same with Asians - distinguishing the Chinese from the Japanese from the Koreans, for instance, is very easy, even if you don't look at the eyes. Africans all look the same though.

Also, azal, you and your cardigans :lol:

You can spot Americans overseas from miles miles miles away :lol:
Not saying it's a bad thing, but in Europe they stand out so much!
shorts, baseball-hats, sports Tshirts, general look, and most importantly mannerism.

I think It's pretty amazing how mannerism is a huge factor with telling where someone is from. I am so good at that too, Stormo. With all my traveling I picked up a thing or two. I can even tell Italians from Spanish without hearing them, just by looks and mannerism. (and all those Mediterranean peeps act similar)

and yeah, I'm right 80% of the time about Asians too.

Scandinavians is a tricky one, I can usually tell by listening to the language, but looks? That's a tricky one for me ;)

I love it, I love knowing where people are from, so guessing is fun.

WOW! :oops: Love it!

Also, Azal, your pics look fun :)