post your sexy pics here

Also, I am still laughing over " Indiano??? NOOO Indiano!" hahaha that's so true :lol: !!!

Haha I still laugh at it too. Especially when he goes, "To them, all the Indians are all like 'der der der derderder!'" It's funny because it's true.

I've had a guy actually call me a liar because he didn't believe I was American. He said, "No dude...stop're either Austrian or Slavic or something because you speak Italian way too well to be American. You even roll your r's and know all the bestemmia and dialect as well." :lol: :lol: :lol: I had to show him an old ID card to prove to him I was American.

Actually, the "wtf" hand gesture actually comes from something else. It's signalling that if you don't knock it off whatever you're doing and act decently, that person is going to grab you by the balls. The "cup" is basically his hand around your balls and pulling back and forth.
Not true. I know tons of Romanians and Albanians who are well-liked in the community. The problem is that all the cool Romanians are in Romania, while all your criminals and gypsies are here because they can literally get away with murder here, or used to be able to get away with it. Romanians aren't a problem in Italy; gypsies are. But even so, Berlusconi brought it on himself by opening the floodgates to all of Romania for workers, and sadly, more criminals are here than honest, hard-working, normal Romanians.

They're cracking down on that shit now, finally. If you're found to be illegally here, you are immediately deported. No trial, no nothing. If you don't have the proper papers to prove you entered the country legally, your ass is outta here. I fully support it. It will allow more decent people from the east to emigrate here and weed out all the trash.

In spite of all that, most Italian extremists failed at making the difference and have a bone to pick with Romania. Not to mention the Italian press. It made me sick, and ruined Italy for me to be honest. I had colleagues in uni who went to work there (as an experience) and told me how Italians treated them. Would never even go visit after hearing how they acted to people merely based on their nationality. The tags 'racist(wtf lol)' and 'xenophobic' were pretty often used.
In spite of all that, most Italian extremists failed at making the difference and have a bone to pick with Romania. Not to mention the Italian press. It made me sick, and ruined Italy for me to be honest. I had colleagues in uni who went to work there (as an experience) and told me how Italians treated them. Would never even go visit after hearing how they acted to people merely based on their nationality. The tags 'racist(wtf lol)' and 'xenophobic' were pretty often used.

It depends where you are. If you're in the south where there has been a lot of rapes and murders committed by Romanians, Albanians, and other immigrants, you're gonna run into some serious racism there. They're just not used to violence like that. Sure they have the Camorra, Mafia, N'dranghetha, etc. but for the most part they're just ignored. All of a sudden, in a matter of months, people in Naples, Rome, and other places weren't safe to walk down the street and it pissed a lot of people off, especially when they were committed mainly by immigrants.
well shit we are looking at a cruise that goes through Pisa and Rome but it sounds like the Italians are a bunch of Dickheads, it also goes through two french cities...i dunno if tis is going to be as much fun as it sounds :p

and i know i have to make an attempt to learn both languages because we are going to have even less of a fun time when some european gets angry with us for not trying to attempt to use their language even though we are going to be there one day.

this is why im going to be the one descending vote in my family, i just want to go back to england/scotland :lol:
I think It's pretty amazing how mannerism is a huge factor with telling where someone is from. I am so good at that too, Stormo. With all my traveling I picked up a thing or two. I can even tell Italians from Spanish without hearing them, just by looks and mannerism.
But even then, sheer facial structure already gives it away a lot of the times.

Italians are just as easy to spot due to the mannerisms, even in the north where most everyone could pass for Austrian. Just look for the nose and the hand gestures.
Just look for the idiots wearing sunglasses indoors, more like.

this conversation here has nothing to do with sexy pictards :(
I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
Not my fault.
But I see your point. Reality is what it is.

No, it isn't your fault and it's sad that you would be treated in a bad way due to the actions of another with whom you share only citizenship. Welcome to being an American citizen for the past 15 years. No matter what you do or where you go, when traveling abroad and people see that passport, they've already made up their mind about who you are and already dislike you. They assume you're just an overweight, undereducated, culturally ignorant snob who thinks the entire world is beneath you.

You may have problems with xenophobia in Italy, but Americans have it in every country in the world to which they travel. No matter where we go, it's already an uphill battle before we even get on the plane. And that, friends, is a contributing factor to why many Americans don't travel like Europeans. It gets old having to constantly prove that you're not a moron to other people.
well shit we are looking at a cruise that goes through Pisa and Rome but it sounds like the Italians are a bunch of Dickheads, it also goes through two french cities...i dunno if tis is going to be as much fun as it sounds :p

and i know i have to make an attempt to learn both languages because we are going to have even less of a fun time when some european gets angry with us for not trying to attempt to use their language even though we are going to be there one day.

this is why im going to be the one descending vote in my family, i just want to go back to england/scotland :lol:

Dude if you're going on a cruise, the only Italian and French people you'll see are probably the ones guiding your tour.
It gets old having to constantly prove that you're not a moron to other people.

My experiences with Americans were until now quite pleasant- starting from high school, where I had a couple as teachers. They were husband and wife and had a major influence on my views upon multiculturalism. And I've told this other story before, but there was this time when I worked as a cashier at OMV-you probably know the franchise, being in Europe and all-when an American family(tourists no doubt) stopped for some shopping and breakfast, and spoke only in Romanian to us. I offered to speak English as I thought it would be easier for them, but the father(the spouses were in their mid 40s) replied with a "This is Romania isn't it?"
That was cute.
My experiences with Americans were until now quite pleasant- starting from high school, where I had a couple as teachers. They were husband and wife and had a major influence on my views upon multiculturalism. And I've told this other story before, but there was this time when I worked as a cashier at OMV-you probably know the franchise, being in Europe and all-when an American family(tourists no doubt) stopped for some shopping and breakfast, and spoke only in Romanian to us. I offered to speak English as I thought it would be easier for them, but the father(the spouses were in their mid 40s) replied with a "This is Romania isn't it?"
That was cute.

That's awesome.