post your sexy pics here

Look mom, I'm a tourist!
They assume you're just an overweight, undereducated, culturally ignorant snob who thinks the entire world is beneath you.

You may have problems with xenophobia in Italy, but Americans have it in every country in the world to which they travel. No matter where we go, it's already an uphill battle before we even get on the plane. And that, friends, is a contributing factor to why many Americans don't travel like Europeans. It gets old having to constantly prove that you're not a moron to other people.
It's sad that all Americans have to deal with this stereotype, but that's what it is: a stereotype. All peoples deal with them. Just look at how many times people have made lame jokes about waffles towards me. You're not the only ones getting slapped with labels, it happens to all of us.

It's not your style to adopt a victim mentality, DW ;)
It's not just that. There's also the whole overblown 'civil war' thing, the fact that we're a miniature version of France (haw-haw, assholes), the stereotype that we're all peasants, the constant Hercule Poirot lame-assery, and the worst, that we all speak French.
It's sad that all Americans have to deal with this stereotype, but that's what it is: a stereotype. All peoples deal with them. Just look at how many times people have made lame jokes about waffles towards me. You're not the only ones getting slapped with labels, it happens to all of us.

It's not your style to adopt a victim mentality, DW ;)

It's not a victim mentality as much as it is a challenge for me to overcome...and you know how I never back down from a challenge. That's how I look at it. I thoroughly enjoy putting snobby, arrogant people in their place by turning the tables on them and making them eat their own words. I refuse to let the ignorance of others dictate which opportunities I take in my life.

I always go back to Brooks when he said that he only befriends people with curious minds. I've always been that way but never realized it and its impact. A curious mind can open more doors than any amount of money or credentials ever will. The trick is to actually be a "yes" person, but in my own way. I say yes to anything that can enrich my life or the lives of people around me, and no to anything that would compromise my integrity and I follow through with it. I don't quit until it becomes a burden instead of a boon. Maybe it's part stubbornness but if you know you're making the right decision, it doesn't matter how hard or frustrating it just do it. You don't have to like it, you just have to do it. Something small like people too stupid to experience things for themselves will never stand in my way.
It's not just that. There's also the whole overblown 'civil war' thing, the fact that we're a miniature version of France (haw-haw, assholes), the stereotype that we're all peasants, the constant Hercule Poirot lame-assery, and the worst, that we all speak French.

Tbh, I FUCKING LOVE Poirot. He's the highly intelligent, uber-cultured genius who consistently puts all the snobby, crass, and arrogant people the English used to be known for in those days in their place...but he does it in an ever-so-subtle way that they never pick up on, and that's genius. I can imagine the stereotype gets old, but it's far from a bad stereotype. Agatha Christie was making fun of everyone in those days, using a foreigner to do it, and no one even realized it.
It's not just that. There's also the whole overblown 'civil war' thing, the fact that we're a miniature version of France (haw-haw, assholes), the stereotype that we're all peasants, the constant Hercule Poirot lame-assery, and the worst, that we all speak French.

Ha, try being English... Or "British" as everyone else seems to say (seriously, I'm English, I have no connection whatsoever to the other countries of the British Isles... In fact I have more common heritage with Germany than Ireland, Scotland or Wales, I'm English) I think our stereotypes are more widely known and much worse than waffles :p ... Actually I will admit, you guys do have it pretty bad being called French all the time, there isn't much worse than that.
Ha, try being English... Or "British" as everyone else seems to say (seriously, I'm English, I have no connection whatsoever to the other countries of the British Isles... In fact I have more common heritage with Germany than Ireland, Scotland or Wales, I'm English) I think our stereotypes are more widely known and much worse than waffles :p ... Actually I will admit, you guys do have it pretty bad being called French all the time, there isn't much worse than that.
It's even worse since we hate each other. There is little worse than being mistaken for someone you hate.

Try getting out of "Britain". Everyone thinks you're "English" and the country is called "England".
Heh. Everyone thinks Belgium is the capital of Brussels.