post your sexy pics here

Also, you heart is a muscle too and it bulks up as well to accommodate the extra stress involved with your other muscles.
Yeah, if you power train and the bulking up is a side effect. Not if you're bulking up for its own sake, to simply get bigger (not stronger) muscles, especially if it means going the creatine or protein overdose way. It's what we're both saying, letting your muscles get bigger naturally is great, but focusing too much on mass rather than strength is not healthy.

The feeling you get from it is a sense of accomplishment of your own, and you keep doing it because it makes you feel better and better, physically AND mentally. Sure, it can make you look good too and there are definitely lots of people out there that use the opposite sex as motivation to feel good, but when you really think about it... what's so wrong with that?
Well, nothing I suppose. But again, you need to keep the health aspect in mind and build your body in a responsible, natural way. A protein shake every now and then ain't no thang, but I'm talking about those people that just want big muscles and start taking all those supplements and adjusting their training regimen to focus purely on mass. That's not good on the old bod.

I'm not saying anyone here does that, it was just a thought I had :)

i mentioned earlier when you lose the body fat you lose a little bit of the strength too; the bulking up isn't purely aesthetic its also because i want to get stronger in a lot of my aspects; i'm not talking giant biceps that do nothing.
Right, gotcha. Well, as long as the bulking up isn't the main aspect of it, you should be fine :)
Right, gotcha. Well, as long as the bulking up isn't the main aspect of it, you should be fine :)

Don't worry man, I'm a certified personal trainer via NASM so I know all about supplements, nutrition, rep ranges for adaptations; basically 800 pages of facts about fitness all memorized into my brain and have been applied for months now haha (plus unofficial research I did myself for yearsss before). I do take supplements (I've almost always taken a pure whey protein supplement and now I've been taking no-explode but soon i'm going to cycle off and go back to just beta-alanine) but when i train it's because i enjoy the feeling, activity, challenge, pushing myself, and practicing more exercises to apply in my workouts that I use on my clients (gotta make sure I can instruct them on the perfect form and have a great selection for whatever adaptation they desire; one guy who even did just want bulk and didn't even care about strength haha). I know about all the dangers that can be involved in fitness not just because of my certification but because working as a trainer in a gym I see people with the worst form, exercise selection, goals (in terms of health) and supplementation possible; i never dreamed before that i'd see some of the things I've seen so far haha!
I'm only interested in being naturally fit, I probably wouldn't ever be tempted by supplements, but I understand why it works for some people.
Your heart grows if you're a super obese fuck, or you have high blood pressure. And I've never seen a "personal trainer" admit to using anything by BSN.
Your heart grows if you're a super obese fuck, or you have high blood pressure. And I've never seen a "personal trainer" admit to using anything by BSN.

your heart gets stronger, i think it was pretty obvious what people were implying.

also i guess you just haven't met enough personal trainers or maybe haven't realized that different people do different things? my boss (the fitness manager for the club) drinks apb speed stacks (which i think are insane but thats just my opinion) every day and i like the way no explode tastes and the effects it has. different people have their own methods for what works for them, i don't train myself like everyone else because i don't train any 2 people exactly the same way. i'm not looking for an argument but your quotes make it seem like you're looking down on supplements like no personal trainer thats good would use any product from that company and if that's the case then good luck hopping off your high horse.
Ok so "bulked up" was just used metaphorically for getting in better shape, I stand corrected. I've taken N.O. xplode before, for months actually when I went to Hofstra.
Read the ingredients: Maltodextrin does not promote lean muscle. They used to put (because Magnesium Glycerophosphate is only 10% active) 3500mg of it in the No Xplode and label it as 350mg. Now it only has 60mg labeled but, that means it still has 600mgs of a pointless chemical compound. Use up what you have left and just pick up some regular Creatine and D-Ribose. There's no reason to drink garbage.
Steakout pictards from last night!

Pickled okra martini :loco:

Lotsa goodies.

Acie and some wimmen borrowing Derick's two identical brown hoodies :p


People can't seem to keep their pants on at our meat parties.

Ready to get meaty.

Movie discussion.


Hah, thanks! Didn't go as fancy as usual this time. Usually we have a couple of tents/screenhouses out there but I just didn't feel like spending money on them this time haha. Plus our tiki torches didn't work :loco: