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So today I was sparring and it was going really well like usual, super fun, blasting some pantera, getting some good hits in on each other and blocking and dodging a ton (he's my oldest student and does penjak silat so we're pretty well matched) when i throw 2 punches, he throws to punches back, i bob and weave to dodge them and SLAM i feel something hit me in the face and see stars.

I come up like whoa kinda shaken up but ready to get back into it and he's like dude are you ok so i respond yeah i'm fine just let me check to make sure i'm not bleeding or anything. Well turns out I take off my headgear and my chinguard is DRENCHED in blood. He had thrown a slightly upwards roundkick so hard that it smashed me in the chin and gashed open my chin, even with the headgear (and it's not super cheap headgear either, it deadens punches so even with strong hooks to the side of the head i only see stars slightly and maybe ears ring for a second, maximum). He was super nice about it because everyone in my class i teach to make sure they're not malevolent and even when they're frustrated to be calm, so he just helped me clean it up and put some bandages on it. I tried lifting when i got home but it was just too weird still bleeding an di felt slightly light headed so i just took a shower and have been chilling and disinfecting it and whatnot every once in a while although now with this pic the blood is basically clotted I think:

however what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and at least now i know to be careful if i'm bobbing and weaving, i've never had someone fire off a kick this fast before. plus it helps you get used to pain such as now i can take almost any punch or roundkick to the leg and not feel a ton of pain, the only thing that still gets me is the straight jabs to the nose becuse it makes your eyes water even if it's not painful (which reminds me i'm sooo glad this wasn't an inch or 2 higher since i would not want a broken nose today haha).

The only downside is now I have to walk around with a huge bandage on my face (its hard to tell from the pic but the cut is pretty wide and those bandages that are soaked in blood are big as well, having it on my chin makes me look like a dumb fuck) but it's better than potentially bleeding all over my clients and gym when i go to work today.
So today I was sparring and it was going really well like usual, super fun, blasting some pantera, getting some good hits in on each other and blocking and dodging a ton (he's my oldest student and does penjak silat so we're pretty well matched) when i throw 2 punches, he throws to punches back, i bob and weave to dodge them and SLAM i feel something hit me in the face and see stars.

I come up like whoa kinda shaken up but ready to get back into it and he's like dude are you ok so i respond yeah i'm fine just let me check to make sure i'm not bleeding or anything. Well turns out I take off my headgear and my chinguard is DRENCHED in blood. He had thrown a slightly upwards roundkick so hard that it smashed me in the chin and gashed open my chin, even with the headgear (and it's not super cheap headgear either, it deadens punches so even with strong hooks to the side of the head i only see stars slightly and maybe ears ring for a second, maximum). He was super nice about it because everyone in my class i teach to make sure they're not malevolent and even when they're frustrated to be calm, so he just helped me clean it up and put some bandages on it. I tried lifting when i got home but it was just too weird still bleeding an di felt slightly light headed so i just took a shower and have been chilling and disinfecting it and whatnot every once in a while although now with this pic the blood is basically clotted I think:

however what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and at least now i know to be careful if i'm bobbing and weaving, i've never had someone fire off a kick this fast before. plus it helps you get used to pain such as now i can take almost any punch or roundkick to the leg and not feel a ton of pain, the only thing that still gets me is the straight jabs to the nose becuse it makes your eyes water even if it's not painful (which reminds me i'm sooo glad this wasn't an inch or 2 higher since i would not want a broken nose today haha).

The only downside is now I have to walk around with a huge bandage on my face (its hard to tell from the pic but the cut is pretty wide and those bandages that are soaked in blood are big as well, having it on my chin makes me look like a dumb fuck) but it's better than potentially bleeding all over my clients and gym when i go to work today.
Battle scars \m/

Good shit man, good shit :)

My battle scars are cauliflower ear. Maybe I'll take a pic next time it flares up good.
Best man for my good friend's wedding... contrary to supposition, skin did not start smoldering upon stepping into the church

Jim I shall partake in a drink of scotch tonight in honor of your glorious return the Neverboard!

Here's me playing with my tripod at night huhuhuhuhuh

no scotch, but i have some Jameson 12 year i shall pour!

good stuff, but im not convinced its worth almost double the price as normal Jameson, it certainly isnt double smooth....