post your sexy pics here

back on topic!

There are no topics that are off limits for comedy.

Then I hope Jersey gets nuked. Show some compassion for once. I laugh at cancer despite my dad dying form it, but this is serious shit.

I miss the old Will, I still respect you, I love Goddamn Zombie, but this whole cynical thing? It doesn't work for you. You aren't fucking George Carlin or Louis CK. You are hilarious, but come on, Will. Being a dick all the time will get you nowhere in life.

What did I do to you this time? I am what I am. You don't have to view my posts on here or on Facebook. You can simply block me and delete me. Just because I make a J-O-K-E about the Japanese thing, that automatically makes me cross the line? I know I'm not George Carlin or Louis CK. Since when did I have to be either of them to make a fucking joke? I suppose you didn't appreciate my "I want to go bungee jumping and go bobbing for Japples" one-liner, either. Not my fault. You read what I put here and on facebook, so you know what to expect.

You said "I hope Jersey gets nuked. show some compassion."

You're retarded.
every time you post a pic?! WHEN THE FUCK HAVE I COMMENTED ON ANY OF YOUR STUPID PICS?! I commented on you saying that the stupid dog knows Japanese. I could have fucking said "oh shit. the dog looks like even HE wants to get away from you." I didn't. You just seemed to ask for it.
How 'bout both of you lighten up. John, I understand that you have the need to view these events as serious and worthy of respect, but you also have to understand that jokes aren't necessarily a sign of disrespect. You can joke about something and still sympathise with the people who are in that situation. They're not mutually exclusive.
every time you post a pic?! WHEN THE FUCK HAVE I COMMENTED ON ANY OF YOUR STUPID PICS?! I commented on you saying that the stupid dog knows Japanese. I could have fucking said "oh shit. the dog looks like even HE wants to get away from you." I didn't. You just seemed to ask for it.

Remember making fun of my last one? Before the dog?
Look, final words. I'm a fan of your music. I consider you a good friend. Ever since Mike died you became a dick. Guess what? I've had friends die too. And a father. Get over it. Or block me. I don't give a shit. You need to grow up and stop being a jerk to the person on this board that shows you the most respect.
Ain't no more boobies on this board anymore. This forum is as dead as the Japanese coastline these days.