post your sexy pics here


What sick fuck let you near a child.

EDIT: This comment is in reference to the photo directly below, which used to be directly above, until it was reflexively deleted by original poster when his extremely thin skin was poked a little too hard by a person who thought it was a cute picture worth making a joke about. This itself is funnier than the original ribbing. Some vaginas are particularly sensitive, eh?
Mutually Assured Brostruction imminent!

Thanks, Brooks. I wanted a good excuse to block you. You've been getting under my skin for years.
Ah, come on, John, it's just a joke. He could have said the same thing about me, or just about any other poster on this board if we posted a similar pic. Stop taking things so personally all the time :)

EDIT: damage control -

Actually, I meant to delete my comment telling you to piss off but I was too drunk at the time and accidently deleted the photo, instead.

I took Stormos advice and unblocked you thinking maybe it was a friendly joke, but nope, you're a real jerk who apparently has it out for me. You can make fun of me all you want, hell, I deserve it, but saying "what kind of person lets a creep like you hold their daughter", that was fucked up on your part, man.