post your sexy pics here

Maybe its a posture issue?
Like the way you sit when you're at a computer or how you play guitar?
I mean, as long as it doesn't fuck up your exercise routine.
Me and my sexy new toy that Beckethead gave me gave me super powers! ; )
badass shirt; even though I obviously have no use for those shirts it's really fucking cool they're out there because I hadn't ever seen anything like them until these came along, and with girls being into fashion quite often (generalization, shoot me feminists) it's cool that they can have clothes hand tailored to their desires as opposed to just being stuck with wearing a basic tshirt with no choice. I still have a shitload of shirts in boxes somewhere so if i ever get around to sorting through them i'd definitely like to donate some of the cool ones (though i'm sure you have quite enough so they'd have to be pretty much perfect quality and fairly unique/cool).

I hate metal sanaz though, and I hate all these female metal personalities. it's just like how in videogames they have a bunch of female personalities; basically anyone who's hot gets a position doing some sort of journalism just so the male audience can salivate over them. Unless she somehow contributes something and someone can totally prove my misconceptions wrong, I'm going to loathe her position (though obviously i have no idea about her as a person) and hate the entire situation involving all this. That Juliya bitch was at some show that I attended and was introducing the bands because that's tooootally necessary, spending a bunch of money to have her come out and tell us which fucking band is up next instead of some random dude or just the bands themselves. they could've used that money to lower the ticket price (by even a small amount), have more bands, pay the bands more or offer more service but noooo, they needed some famous metal chick to go on stage so we can stare at her tits for 15 seconds.
Thanks dude, and actually I would love any and all shirts you're willing to part with. I've sold most of the other ones you gave me (some chick in France is sporting your Dissection shirt), and one that are worn in are fine too. I just sell 'em for cheaper, and sometimes the "vintage" look works well with the design anyway. I agree about Sanaz and other chicks who don't seem to do much besides interview bands. I don't know if you were at Slaughter by the Water, didn't see you there, but they had Full Metal Jackie introducing the bands and it really didn't seem like she said much besides "And next up is... Warbringer!" etc. I definitely don't see the point in paying someone so much for that, or understand how some of those broads manage to make a living doing pretty much nothing, but as for Sanaz she is at least mildly famous so I figured it couldn't hurt the business to have her wearing one of my designs.