post your sexy pics here

I gotta make this the science pics thread for a second, because I need the opinion/observations of people who don't see me often and I think the board would be a good group. Essentially I have noticed for a few years I have a muscle imbalance, and almost everyone does, but they're so insignificant they don't affect anything and no one notices. However this one I feel is actually pretty glaring, and if people who haven't seen me before notice it then that means it's probably prominent enough where it could be an issue. This isn't a vanity thing, the fact is if this is a serious muscle imbalance I need to put in more effort (so far I try, but not enough) to fix it because it could alter my kinetic chain and cause other movement dysfunctions, and that'd be a no no.

so basically if you could tell me what muscle imbalances or any sort of distortion you notice, that'd be great. even if it's not what i'm thinking of i'd still rather people rip into it than hold back so i at least know if its something out of the ordinary that i should put more time into. also it's not the biceps, that's just due to the angle/way the arm is plus i don't really care that much about an imbalance there since that's inevitable and only superficial, this other one can make a difference:

Not going to stare at you and analyze the contours of your body. Sorry, man.

However, at quick glance, you look kinda like Joe from Gojira with your hair shorter like that.
Your muscles look fine bro, just smile for the camera. Let's be honest, your intent was to get the ladies wet, not to ask us dudes about your gains. So smile for the womenz and they will not care about your non-existence-muscle-imbalance problem anyway!:D
Haha no it's really not. Thanks John for actually responding and from the other responses clearly it's not glaring and probably just me over thinking and thus not a functional issue.

For the record, the imbalance is in my upper trapezius. The arm might lengthen it a bit as well, but the right side is lengthened while the other side is shorter. I'm not sure if it's a strength difference, flexibility difference or just the deltoid being imbalanced, but if it were tooserioua it'd affect the kinetic chain greatly. Since it's clearly only me noticing then hopefully it won't be an issue but I'll keep trying to fix it.

No vanity sadly, I get hella scientific and since my job/studies are about things like this I get pretty into it. Thanks for responding though to those that did.
one side maybe looks a little bigger but the angle of the camera is distorting as well. even though you're square to the mirror, the camera is forward and to the side a bit. i think youd need another pro trainer dude to check it out in person. i imagine thats what yall do anyway standing around the locker room in towels like Top Gun or something.
thanks again guys, the outside opinions really did help and while i'll still try and fix it, it's good knowing that it can't be too serious (just me way overthinking it like anyone who reads a medical textbook and applies the symptoms to themselves), and the top gun stuff was hilarious :lol:

It's hard to notice muscle imbalance if your body isn't in a symmetrical position: one arm at your side and the other holding the phone simply makes it impossible to see if there's an imbalance.

that is one issue I had yes, but you can't really do anything unless you have a tripod. If i held it out in front of me with both arms hanging down then my deltoids would be pulled forward slightly and cause it to deviate, and when i broke it down and figured it out this ended up working the best. the trapezius is a little bit extra lengthened due to the arm being out slightly to the side and the positioning of the deltoid, but it's the best position i could come up with and was far better than any of the other options (again plus the fact that the deviation is just a little bit more exaggerated so the fact that no one noticed anything serious shows it's even less significant).

i do see your point though but the problem is everything moves so much and is so fickle with body mechanics that you can't do much and as i said above, that position is fairly natural and if anything just exaggerates the imbalance so the lack of any noticing makes an even stronger point for it not being an issue. if it were hiding it or something else or screwing up the potential to detect it i definitely would've found something else.

either way i hate muscle imbalances; i don't care about ones in the biceps or triceps because that's just natural and as long as it's not insane (which mine aren't) it won't affect anything in terms of functionality. with the upper trapezius though? oh man, having a huge imbalance in that really can fuck your shit up and since it's so often involved in actions (even with perfect form) that you really don't want it messed up. only thing that could be worse would be an oblique imbalance as that would fuck your spine the hell up. I lift for the challenge, the endorphins and getting stress out, but it is quite interesting to fuck around with trying new exercises for my clients, set new goals for me to see how realistic any sort of change is, and analyze my physiology when I can to see first hand how to identify and treat muscle imbalances since that's such a big deal. recently i've been thinking i want to go into some sort of more medical aspect of the profession, maybe in neurobiology and tie that to prosthetics, movement studies, and then have my super scientific stuff be in tandem with my personal training and physical therapy. that'd rule.