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Just bought this...

so I finally went and adopted a cat, her name is Ally and she's a year old or a little bit more (they think). it's sad as fuck, basically she was a stray they found in a box and she had her front claws already declawed (i would never fucking do that to a cat, messed up as hell). petco has a small room where they have a few cats they put who are about to be put down, and so i went there, saw ally and instantly connected. she was sitting there super sad and then when we opened the cage and i started petting her and such she started eating, being more lively and just overall not as sad; so today i got her and she meows and waits at the door when i leave the room (she's in my hallway/closet/bathroom cuz they said to start her off in small areas first), purrs like crazy and rolls/lies on me when i sit with her and just overall lights up when i spend time with her. i know its a rant but damn, she's really brought so much light into my place and only a day in and i feel a huge connection with her because of some of the traits she has that i kinda have.

enough blabbering, pictures: (it's hard to get a perfectly still shot because when i go near her she goes ape so later i'll see if i can get one of her straight on since she always just sits and waits at the door for me)



how anyone could abandon such a nice cat or how people could buy cats/kittens instead of adopting one that's going to be killed is beyond me, but different things work for different people. it's just a shame that families so often adopt kittens for the holidays because they're the OMGCUTEKITTYAWWW and leave cats any older to get killed. i personally wouldn't want a kitten because of all the extra toughness that comes with it.