post your sexy pics here

Awww Andrew I'm glad you finally did it. Especially since you know she'd probably be dead right now if not for you--seems like she knows it too based on how you said she acts. The two of you sound super bonded already, and as someone who works from home I can guarantee that a cat will change your house only for the better, especially since you live alone (right?). And speaking of animals, Julz and I just adopted a beagle (a present for his dad but we're going to be taking care of him a lot) who was used for research his whole life. I'll post pictures soon!

Laura, hush, you look good. Except your shirt could fit a little better. ;) Doing merch is pretty fun though, as long as people are actually buying stuff at least.
Awww Andrew I'm glad you finally did it. Especially since you know she'd probably be dead right now if not for you--seems like she knows it too based on how you said she acts. The two of you sound super bonded already, and as someone who works from home I can guarantee that a cat will change your house only for the better, especially since you live alone (right?). And speaking of animals, Julz and I just adopted a beagle (a present for his dad but we're going to be taking care of him a lot) who was used for research his whole life. I'll post pictures soon!

Laura, hush, you look good. Except your shirt could fit a little better. ;) Doing merch is pretty fun though, as long as people are actually buying stuff at least.

yeah I live alone, having her around is nice and really makes it feel like my places has a lot more life (and a bit stinkier of a closet, but that was fixed today by getting a different type of litterbox which she used luckily). she's super shy around new people but now with me she's crazy bonded (never tries to scratch/bite/attack, sits in my lap, always tries to be around me, meows and waits at the door for me, purrs like a machine when she cuddles up with me). she would've been dead in a couple more weeks i think so i'm really glad i found her, she doesn't deserve the shitty life she had up until now.

good luck with your dog, hopefully your cat and the dog get along when they're around each other; i've heard some do well but others can be a little bit defensive/aggressive with others. glad you saved a dog too, adopting animals who've had terrible lives/are going to be put down is the only way i'd personally go since there are sooo many out there that deserve a chance/better life and probably won't get it =(
And speaking of animals, Julz and I just adopted a beagle (a present for his dad but we're going to be taking care of him a lot) who was used for research his whole life. I'll post pictures soon!

One of these? That's awesome.... I won't go into how I feel about how this came about and likely how many more animals there are that were'nt as lucky as these guys.

Yep pretty much the exact same situation. Until two days before we adopted him last week he had never been outdoors, never gotten to run, and basically never been treated as a pet and the only human interaction he'd get at all was being injected up to 9 times a day. He was debarked and the vein in his front right leg is totally tapped out from all the injections. He was the last of thirteen beagles to get adopted--but he is so calm and well behaved I'm surprised he wasn't taken earlier. He's already walking on a leash, knows not to climb on furniture, and other than a couple accidents is using the bathroom outside consistently, which is pretty impressive considering that for his whole life nobody has ever tried to teach him any of these things. He really just wants attention from everyone and every day he seems happier than the next getting used to his new life.

Enemy242 said:
hopefully your cat and the dog get along when they're around each other
We only had him at my house the first night after we adopted him, and Cassidy went from being terrified to perplexed to completely indifferent over a period of about half an hour. For now we're keeping the dog in Santa Rosa at least until he gets used to it, especially since car rides seem to freak him out.

Here he is:


The tattoo on the inside of his ear. That number was all he was ever known by... until now, and his name is Ranger :Spin:
Wow, i guess the head is different but the skin details look exactly like a Ball Python.

I don't get why people are posting animals in the sexy pics thread? Do you guys have a sexual attraction to these animals? If so that is hot.