post your sexy pics here

dead_fetus said:
We went on a little ferry ride last night.


You look VERY similar to an ex boyfriend of mine in this photo. o_O I think you're a bit sexier though :loco:
all the ladies here are wonderful....

but some of you guys seriously need to get a girlfriend, not just a copy of Maxim. jesus. it's amazing these women even put up with half this juvenile shit. being a guy will always entail some stupidity, and joyously so, but enough already.

hey mumblefood, did you get the CD? I'm curious how long it takes a package to get to the wilds of Alberta :D
Dead_Lioness said:
Urahomo- I give you one good point for actually posting your picture..
some assclowns forever hide behind their nick names...
I did it all for you hun. Now you can put a face to this assclown.
it reminds me of this guy I know who just can't figure out why he never gets a second date with the same girl. he just doesn't get it.

Chris: hey, wanna go out on friday?
girl: er....okay
Chris: great, cause I've got these minor league hockey tickets, and then we can go out and get shit-hammered!
girl: um...
Chris: say...are you on the pill? If not, I'd better stop off at the drug store.
girl: I just remembered, I'm washing my hair on friday night! sorry!
lizard said:
....have risen to censor the thoughts in your head......the holocaust of thought is dawning, and I´m pretty sure it´s gonna suck