post your sexy pics here

lizard said:
my thoughts have arisen unbound, and will never yield to the jackbooted oppression of "the man" :Spin::err:
Yup, I don't think even plastic surgury could save you now. Try praying to god, err Jesus, or one of them fags.
My grey streak is getting bigger. :cry: Call me Rogue!

lizard said:
hey mumblefood, did you get the CD? I'm curious how long it takes a package to get to the wilds of Alberta :D

Nope, not yet! but a rather larger order did come in for me... quite excited. i FINALLY got Choirs Of The Eye... only took me 2 years :s So tonight it's off to the surround sound bed to pwn my senses for an hour before bed.
lizard said:
all the ladies here are wonderful....

but some of you guys seriously need to get a girlfriend, not just a copy of Maxim. jesus. it's amazing these women even put up with half this juvenile shit. being a guy will always entail some stupidity, and joyously so, but enough already.

hey mumblefood, did you get the CD? I'm curious how long it takes a package to get to the wilds of Alberta :D

I wish I could be more like you.
I've never read a maxim (i've thumbed through the pictures on occasion..hehe). And guess what....most women appreciate compliments on their looks, and OMG some women like a sense of humor!

Saying, "oh my you're hot ___________" on an internet forum is hardly enough to tell everyone they're stupid little perverts. Get a grip on reality.

Why is everyone so fucking Holier than thou on the UM forums. its ridiculous.

I'll post pics of myself someday soon. It'll be pretty awesome...kind of like Indiana Jones awesome when the Arc of the Covenant gets opened. :headbang:
Don't make me take a photo of my head.

Oh, people always claim the gel thing, I want solid proof. Cite your sources sir. :)
the_drip said:
I wish I could be more like you.
I've never read a maxim (i've thumbed through the pictures on occasion..hehe). And guess what....most women appreciate compliments on their looks, and OMG some women like a sense of humor!
of course they do. I LOVE women, and a good looking woman is just about the simplest pleasure a man can experience. if you think I have no sense of humor, obviously don't know me very well.

the_drip said:
Saying, "oh my you're hot ___________" on an internet forum is hardly enough to tell everyone they're stupid little perverts. Get a grip on reality.
I'm living reality, pal. I'm working, I'm a husband, I'm a father. being complimentary, being appreciative, is a far far cry from being a simplistic moron. With life comes lessons...and I've learned a few, sadly, the hard way. I'm Karen's number one fan, and have said so numerous times ~ paint me as some bible thumping moralist and you are dead wrong.

the_drip said:
I wish I could be more like you.
obviously. the envy is dripping from your posts.

the_drip said:
Why is everyone so fucking Holier than thou on the UM forums. its ridiculous.
you really think so? I see more baseless insults based on sex and race and ethnicity than most people would ever have the balls to say face to face. The intarweb makes bold beings out of craven cowards. If believing that women deserve respect until they prove unworthy of it is wrong, then I'm convicted.

the_drip said:
I'll post pics of myself someday soon. It'll be pretty awesome...
please do. I've never seen a picture of Einstein before :lol:
the_drip said:
Grey hair is no big deal My hair is greying AND falling out.

Ah, early/mid 20's are so wonderful.

Mine ssems to be shedding a lot as well (I'm 22), although I tell myself that's more due my long hair and having to wear a hard hat at work than natural balding. Either way, it's got me concerned, and if I notice my hair getting real thin or receding, I will definitely look into anything I can do to stop it. I love having long hair, and playing in a metal band just doesn't seem right without it.
Moonlapse said:
Ah, that's horrible. What did you do, drown your head under a ton of gel during your teens?

worked at a swimming pool teaching swim lessons in chlorine for 6 hours a day from 1998 till last year. That probably had something to do with it, plus its in the genes too. I don't really care.