post your sexy pics here

Here's my sexy pic:


Me with Steven Wilson:


Me after not shaving:

metalskater7 said:
First pic is the most wigger pic on the board by far haha.

Thank Dog for the internet, for it gives people like James here the e-balls it takes to badmouth somebody whom he'd never even consider badmouthing in person.

Way to go champ! Thumbs up for you!

Way up.
dead_fetus said:
Thank Dog for the internet, for it gives people like James here the e-balls it takes to badmouth somebody whom he'd never even consider badmouthing in person.

Way to go champ! Thumbs up for you!

Way up.

Hahahahahah owned.
Well, I've been hesitant to post this, but since you all are so forthcoming, what the hell.

This ought to cheer everyone up. ME!


See? I'm smiling. Now everyone else can be happy too. I swear only I smiled once or twice at this show. Otherwise I was totally metal. TOTALLY. Metal.

Yeah...not great. We're going to get an actual photographer to take some pics soon so I pray they turn out better...and that he makes our drummer stop w/the silly powermetal poses. (thank god he doesn't own a broadsword) PS. I'm skinny.

This is the ONLY pic where the drummer wasn't making horns with AT LEAST one hand. If you ask real nice I'll post some of his silly solo poses. (I swear, if I wasn't in this band I'd have a field-day with us sometimes, luckily I'm by far the most technologically inclined, so I sort of still can)
I can't smile. I cut above my nose and my hair is all tangled and wet from working outside.


This is the best you get.


Who IS the baby daddy? I'm not too sure, what with all the sex I've had lately. But odds are it's one of the Neverboarders*

*Great big lie, I'm not getting laid. Stupid co worker and all her sex and cute baby.

And oh yes, can't see through the stupid kid but I'm wearing my awesome Orphaned Land long sleeve. \m/
metalskater7 said:
Hahahaha winner.
And asshole, err Kevin, I wasn't badmouthing anyone I was merely stating the fact that the first picture was very "wigger".

Well then, if you'd like to get technical, let me just say that you look like a girl. But of course, you probably know that since other people on this exact thread have already stated it.