post your sexy pics here

Dead_Lioness said:
Fred: - holy ! where did you take that one???

I took it at my grandmother's cottage, on the dock for small embarcations... I went there because we just got my grandmother into the hostpital and we all think she won't come out alive so if she can't get to her cottage anymore, I thought I'd bring it to her by taking abunch of pictures and put togather an album ...
AnvilSnake said:

You look like a public school boy.
Ahh, Prom. Mine was a bit of an amusing saga. A friend of mine who claimed who was going to be out of town that weekend asked me to take his girlfriend as she was all disappointed (fucking cheerleaders). So I asked her and she agreed... well, they were having problems, but I didn't think he was pulling a fast one. I took her rather than the girl I was interested in and was not having a fun time as she was in the in-crowd and I was a theater geek/metalhead and so we kinda spent the evening divided. The best part though was when her boyfriend showed up to the prom with this ultra-hot redhead in a black dress. That was awkward. He kept trying to claim she was his cousin, his girlfriend believed it was a conspiracy and I'd been in on it all, so by eleven I ditched her and my friends and I went back to Will's house, drank tequila and listened to metal all night. The next week the same girl signed my year book with a simple "I hate you."

It was fun.
that sounds amusing. I went and boozed up every night since prom! =D. Today being my birthday, there's a special boozing up to be done.
I'm sorry if my polysyllabic words strained all six of your braincells, but I was hoping you'd have a hemmorhage and maybe die. Barring that, I hoped it caused you pain.
Marksveld said:
You're probably right! The only downside to wearing a kilt to prom is that every single person within your given radius will stop you and ask you about it or say some totally ridiculous comment like, "OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU'RE WEARING A KILT."

yeah but that gives you the opportunity to give a snappy "yeah they didnt have pants my my d0ng was too big OMG!!" anyway.
sknight said:
The prom was lame. I didn't want to be around the people I didn't like in the first place anymore. Instead, we hung out and got liquored up in the city.
Yeh, that's what I plan on doing. People in my school are fake and dummies.
EDIT: And I'm def getting the tux though. Always wanted to get piss drunk in a tux and strip it down to some 80s montage.
metalskater7 said:
And I'm def getting the tux though. Always wanted to get piss drunk in a tux and strip it down to some 80s montage.
that was my favorite part of the night.