post your sexy pics here

ever see ninjas gone wild?

"silly bitch your weapons can not harm me don't you know who the fuuuuck I aaaam? I'm the juggernaut bitch!"

"I will beat the shit outta you WITH charles I don't give a fuck I'm the juggernaut bitch!"
:lol: I wish I could remember exactly what they are called, but there were some Canadian domestic abuse commercials on YouTube that were quite hilarious.
Lord of Metal said:
Are you trying to suggest that when one loses his faith, he turns to incest and other socially taboo acts?
No, I'm suggesting this particular person revoked his faith to justify his incest.
metalskater7 said:
No, I'm suggesting this particular person revoked his faith to justify his incest.
If I may interject, when I said I learned this behavior from my Uncle Herb, I didn't mean that he took pictures of me in my bra, I meant he took pictures of himself in his bra. I don't even think I've ever been alone with my Uncle Herb .... hope that helps ....
Lunar Still said:
Case for the defendant metalskater7's alleged pwning is now in session.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

As you can plainly see, metalskater7 was burned on 3 seperate occasions, each time by a different party. Thus, I believe the jury of said metalskater7's fellow peers here on UM will agree that he has been thoroughly and indisputably 'pwnt.'

I rest my case.
I've been pwnt several times on this board and none of these statements can even come close to constituting the requirments of a statement that would get the job done. The fact that all these statements, especially yours, were injected in the defense of this girl makes them pathetic. Stop asskissing and let the newcomer stand up for herself. When I gave Trace of Blood a roast none of you stood up for him so passionately. Excuse me for intruding on the bombardment of compliments, I hope the gods of complimentary brownnoses doesn't smite me.
Dead_Lioness said:
hahaha I LOOOOOVE old pictures!!! Tee is 17, how fucking cool!... wearing Obituary and looking as gorgeous as always....!
winning pic!!

btw, wtf is up with the girl to your left... she makes me nervous :lol:
there's noone to my left. LOL
no seriously. the girls in the middle, both of them were great and cool. the one posing (as in seriously) is multiply disordered, that's why I guess she desperately wanted to be my best friend (in the first grade, that would be when we were 15), so she could drink my brain through a straw, I think. :err: I can't say she's an idiot (.... ok, she is), but she's definetily no good person. erm.. she gave birth to an ill child some years ago. :s
Maharet said:
wow Tee, when you were young you looked like the actress, Parker Posey
:eek: ????? she looks a bit like Alanis Morissette to me.... good thing is that she has her birthday on the same day like my husband (and Isabel :D ). I'll drink to that.

one more (and last) from the "not legal T." era :p

Maharet said:
wow Tee, when you were young you looked like the actress, Parker Posey
:eek: ????? she looks a bit like Alanis Morissette to me.... good thing is that she has her birthday on the same day like my husband (and Isabel :D ). I'll drink to that.

one more (and last) from the "not legal T." era :p

Tee said:
there's noone to my left. LOL

I was very curious about that same thing. So, Karen, what I want you to do is get a buddy. Now, I want you to stand face to face with this buddy and each of you lift your left arm simultaneously. Notice anything suspicious? :p