post your sexy pics here

well but at least ur hot isabel ;) :saint:

phew ... think of how hot she`ll look like when she`s 18 *faints*
Stealer of Dreams said:
Oh no, more pictures of Isabel in a Hammerheart shirt.


P.S. I'm not a junky.
must be nice to be the centre of all male and some female attention huh?
She's right though. I'd NEVER comment in person like I do online. Well, about her. Cara, and a few others including Derick, I probably would.
NoLordy said:
She's right though. I'd NEVER comment in person like I do online. Well, about her. Cara, and a few others including Derick, I probably would.
but why should we be any different online than in 'real' life? im exactly the same in real life as i am on the net if i saw someone and thought they were attractive id tell em not as a way to hit on people but people like to hear that they arnt ugly monsters
NoLordy said:
She's right though. I'd NEVER comment in person like I do online. Well, about her. Cara, and a few others including Derick, I probably would.

Because in person you can just move over to the next bar and find hotter girls? The guys' fixation on the female population here is slightly disturbing.
Moonlapse said:
Because in person you can just move over to the next bar and find hotter girls? The guys' fixation on the female population here is slightly disturbing.
its not about hot girls tho its about letting somebody know that they are attractive and maybe making em smile a little i mean i wouldnt lie - if i thought somebody wasnt attractive i wouldnt say they were but id find something to compliment them on