post your sexy pics here

Lord of Metal said:
Aha. I thought that was probably it. Cool nonetheless. That's what you should listen to on your way to work, by the way.
i was thinking of something more along the lines of deth, nevermore, sanctuary, mastodon etc
Lord of Metal said:
Well, out of those choices, I believe the obvious answer is Nevermore's Dreaming Neon Black. May I suggest Enya instead, though?
no :lol: here's a partial list of what i have on it

megadeth, metallica, sabbath, slayer, emporer, slipknot, venom, overkill, behemoth, pantera, shadows fall, immortal, vital remains, iced earth,rhapsody, dream theater, demons and wizards, ozzy, dark throne, nevermore, symphony x
NoLordy said:

LOL thats the biggest baby I ever seen:)

or maybe hes just looking for his missing keys :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lord of Metal said:
...Why not. Can't get any worse, right?
im being 100% serious here

my youngest brother who is 4 cannot walk and never will he has something called SMA spinal muscular atrophy and has no control over his legs some more serious cases have led to the child dying before they even reach 3 :(
Oh wow. God, I'm sorry to hear that. How is his health besides that? The most amazing thing about human beings is how we can take such a crippling problem and still live fulfilling and happy lives, moreso even than those that are born with no physical disabilities whatsoever.
Lord of Metal said:
Oh wow. God, I'm sorry to hear that. How is his health besides that? The most amazing thing about human beings is how we can take such a crippling problem and still live fulfilling and happy lives, moreso even than those that are born with no physical disabilities whatsoever.
well thats his only disability he's really really intelligent and he's fine he's like a normal kid except he cant walk but we all spoil him
That's good then. As long as he'll live a full life, I think he'll be just fine. It takes true courage to deal with that, not really because it's a disability, but because everyone will look differently at you. The true courage, I believe, is simply accepting the disability as being a part of what makes you, you, and really just living your life no matter anyone's opinion of you.