post your sexy pics here

That´s what you associate with my user name?? Now that´s a surprise.

when see your screen name "twisted sister" i don't even think of the band

when i see "twisted sister" as a screen name, i think "a sister being twisted"
like a female being ever bit as twisted as a male
so when i see you screen name i have this image of you being a really freaky tomboy
I think the point that Stormo and others are making is that while you personally have never had any accidents, a lot of people have.

Comparison of U.S. gun homicides to other industrialized countries:
In 1998 (the most recent year for which this data has been compiled), handguns murdered:
373 people in Germany
151 people in Canada
57 people in Australia
19 people in Japan
54 people in England and Wales, and
11,789 people in the United States
(*Please note that these 1998 numbers account only for HOMICIDES, and do not include suicides, which comprise and even greater number of gun deaths, or unintentional shootings).
- Provided by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

You really can't deny that there's a problem.
Germany: 82,310,000 (Dec. 31, 2006 est.)
Canada: 33,098,932 (July 2006)
Australia: 20,830,000 (March 29, 2007 est.)
Japan: 127,720,000 (March 1, 2007 est.)
United Kingdom: 60,609,153 (July 2006)

Altogether: 324,568,085 pop. with average 732 gun-related homicides in one year. (1999-2002; different years for each study per country)

U.S.A: 301,711,422 (April 2007) and with 10,000+ gun-related homicides in 2001.

EDIT: Just so you guys know that population doesn't make a difference.
I think the point that Stormo and others are making is that while you personally have never had any accidents, a lot of people have.

You really can't deny that there's a problem.
I don't think that was the point he's trying to make at all. It sounds to me like he's got a personal issue with people that own guns and gets offended when those people talk about it, so he lashes out at them and calls them "wanna-bes".

For every person that kills someone with a gun, I'm sure there are a hundred more gun owners that practice completely safe shooting and haven't nor will ever hurt anything or anyone with their guns unless they're forced to.

And if they ever have to, I'm sure they'll be glad they had those guns.
Nah, they're more like Jack Palance in the movie Shane, according to one (now departed) Texas native.

Plus, I know Mike pretty well, he's a fine bloke. I have no problem with folks like Mike owning guns. I used to go hunting loads, and shooting a gun is exhilarating. If folks like him want to own guns, and the checks are there to make sure that only the right folks do indeed get them, we could all stop whining and move the fuck on.

neal, wanna hop on the good foot and do the bad thing? Boston would provide the soundtrack, obviously.
I don't think that was the point he's trying to make at all. It sounds to me like he's got a personal issue with people that own guns and gets offended when those people talk about it, so he lashes out at them and calls them "wanna-bes".

For every person that kills someone with a gun, I'm sure there are a hundred more gun owners that practice completely safe shooting and haven't nor will ever hurt anything or anyone with their guns unless they're forced to.

And if they ever have to, I'm sure they'll be glad they had those guns.


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