post your sexy pics here


Everything. if I were running their time schedule, we'd have wedded them, eaten, caked, spoke, and danced in 2.5 hours max.
Thats not bad actually... But then any wedding I've gone to, since I was 12, I've gotten hammered. (First time I was drunk was at my cousin's wedding when I was 12. Twas puke-tastic.)
What makes it worse is even when drunk as hell I was extremely irritable and I never am usually. It acts as a buffer for me. Could you imagine me being SOBER if I was already that way?
You kids seem to have trouble wrapping your heads around how much I didn't want to be there.
Naw naw, Weddings aren't very fun unless infested with hot, drunk women, and okay music... but this is obviously at the reception after all the formalities and such. When the old fogies go home and its just the young people left.
Naw naw, Weddings aren't very fun unless infested with hot, drunk women, and okay music... but this is obviously at the reception after all the formalities and such. When the old fogies go home and its just the young people left.

No, the old people grew roots and stayed just as long as the young ones. The bride's father won't leave a place he paid that kind of money for until EVERYONE is gone. Also, drunkenness (the normal kind) is frowned upon there, they'd throw everyone out. So, basically, it was a standard wedding that went "well" by societal standards.