post your sexy pics here

no good words here. only nazis =(

to stay on topic a pic:

[KOTNO]Narrot;6246381 said:
i have like 40 metalshirts or smth. and i do wear them. there are some of really really shitty bands/albums which i liked five years ago. i dont know what else to wear =(
srsly. i wore out all my metallica shirts years ago so they are loosey goosey and comfortable. but everytime i dare to tread out in the fray with them i fear encounters with metallica FANS. ew! yuck! gross!
unfortunately during my concert heyday i was thin and all my shirts of pride are tighty bindy now.
notice anything familiar? it's been there since i moved into my room 3 years ago. d'awww :p

i think i just teared up a bit! :)

i actually ran into some memorabilia whilst packing my room today. namely fish and pirate hats. :D

your friend looks lonely, i may need to make him a lascivious sidekick!
Hey Kevin, I fell out with some American on a bus today, in Rome, about Seattle of all things!

She was blabbing on and on to some vacant friend of hers, "Like America is so much better, Italy needs like more department stores". Suddenly the fact that someone she knows is moving to Seattle causes her to say "Like what is with Seattle, it sucks. Nothing special. Everyone is liberal and likes hiking". (Cue horrible nasal laughter).

Since her 2yr old son was yelling in my ear the entire bus-trip and she was doing nothing to control him, I turned round and told her (she was Southern of some description) "Well they would probably assume you are blind conservative and fuck your brother, so it works both ways. And control that kid".

Yep, an interesting day.
Hey Kevin, I fell out with some American on a bus today, in Rome, about Seattle of all things!

She was blabbing on and on to some vacant friend of hers, "Like America is so much better, Italy needs like more department stores". Suddenly the fact that someone she knows is moving to Seattle causes her to say "Like what is with Seattle, it sucks. Nothing special. Everyone is liberal and likes hiking". (Cue horrible nasal laughter).

Since her 2yr old son was yelling in my ear the entire bus-trip and she was doing nothing to control him, I turned round and told her (she was Southern of some description) "Well they would probably assume you are blind conservative and fuck your brother, so it works both ways. And control that kid".

Yep, an interesting day.

Odd that she would have such a dislike for the West Coast, since she's obviously talking like a "Valley Girl." :lol:
Hey Kevin, I fell out with some American on a bus today, in Rome, about Seattle of all things!

She was blabbing on and on to some vacant friend of hers, "Like America is so much better, Italy needs like more department stores". Suddenly the fact that someone she knows is moving to Seattle causes her to say "Like what is with Seattle, it sucks. Nothing special. Everyone is liberal and likes hiking". (Cue horrible nasal laughter).

Since her 2yr old son was yelling in my ear the entire bus-trip and she was doing nothing to control him, I turned round and told her (she was Southern of some description) "Well they would probably assume you are blind conservative and fuck your brother, so it works both ways. And control that kid".

Yep, an interesting day.
Hey, thanks for taking care of that for the rest of us.

Lunar Still -- I think it's fair to point out that any person who spends so much time sitting on their fat, lardass, pontificating about everything and nothing, breeds only to expand their profound powers of annoyance, and who's only real exercise is prolly fucking their brother (see previous phrase re: breeding), would likely be more than a little intimidated by a bunch of liberals in good enough shape to chase down her fat ass and beat the brother-loving daylights out of her.

Or, you know, maybe she just had a bad latte experience -- who knows?