post your sexy pics here

Tony will eventually die of Liver disease. Oh wait... he'll make an artificial liver too! Let's see him cure his Alcohol Dementia though.
i know what it means dude and im telling you, it just means it's a wheatbeer

and hefeweizen a specific type of wheat beer. it might just be a regional thing since many german words change from location to location after all.


best i can do under the circumstances: maintained and expanded by the University of Chemnitz.

but regardless it's not really a point worth pursuing i guess.
yeah. believe me when i first learned that i thought it was weird too (we learned it way back in german 101 when we were talking about how germans make their own compound nouns e.g. Kindergarten) and everyone thought it was white beer literally too and herr professor said "nope, it's a wheat beer".

but no matter. it's still a tasty beverage.
what a waste! potentially hot men babbling forever. will you start posting pictures of your hot selves?! this is a picture thread. start a word-knitting thread elsewhere. :err:

hot pictures of hot men, start posting now!!! :kickass: :loco:
yeah. but they arent gonna kill off Iron Man. and that makes me angry.
You dont realize how I feel about the Hulk. I want him to destroy everything!!!

durring the civil war, i only read the spiderman title
in the spiderman title, ironman/tony stark totally looks like a total jack-ass, in all the spots where ironman/tony stark argues with spiderman/peter parker, you totally agree with peter's pov, ironman looks like he thinks he's God
since congress already knew that tony stark was ironman before the civil war story arc, it pretty quickly became noticeable to the reader, and later to peter parker, that ironman's position on things was really just tony stark's position, ie tony stark the billionaire was doing everything in his ability to retain/increase his wealth, then when peter, who is acoustomed to being broke, found out that tony stark was actually getting paid to house the meta-humans in the negative zone, peter realized that ironman wasn't being noble at all, as he had previously appeared, that tony the billionaire was merely acuiring money and trying to make it look like the morally right thing to do, then peter left tony stark's huge mansion, to go live "underground" with captain america, and after i read all of that, when i heard that captain america had been killed, the first thought that instantly went through my head was,
"they should have killed ironman instaed of killing captain america"