post your sexy pics here

Quantity over Quality is a misconception. It's quantity for sure, but the quality isn't less than any other store (outside of your hipster organick markets). Besides perhaps their seafood; their salmon is typically lacking, even though they DO sell fresh caught wild.

Costco's typically have top notch bakeries as well.

They are FAR BETTER than Walmart (my most hatred) but they are still a fucking waste of anything... I don't mean to sound like an enviromental freak, but the two times I've been to Costco was enough for me.
People load their carts with 45-value packs of Snickers and Honey Nut Cheerios and 20 pounds of meat... I mean come the fuck on... it's disgusting.

I do like my food organic, and I like to buy ONLY what I need, with no dumb gimics around me that tempt me to buy more crap I do not need, hence the
Whole Foods choice.

if I had mountains of jew gold I'd shop at whole foods too.


with a mountain of jew gold I'd actually be able to afford a costco membership!

But why hate a store just for the shoppers? I don't hate on whole foods because of the pompous rich folk that shove their way through the aisles?
anyhoo #2 - some orthodox jews do serve in military, as MILITARY RABBIS and all sorts of crappy jobs that are a joke really.
You know what? fine: I'll accept that.
Most of them are wierd though, and when I say "we" don't like them too much, I mean the avarage Israeli person, who is just like me: non-religious and regular.

and godamn, how can you deny SEA FOOD and CHEESE and MEAT together in one meal??? meat got married to cheese!! it's a sin to seperate them!
They do the same things as anyone else. The military rabbis are the more patriotic haredim.
I think you probably just have a different perception to what orthodox judaism is. You seem to be mixing up orthodox judaism, with the extreme orthodox movements, which are completely different in nature. Especially in Israel, where the regular orthodox Jews are extremely nationalistic.

You can have meat and sea food in the same meal, just not on the same plate. You're also supposed to drink something between them.
I don;t like BLT :/
I honestly think bacon is nasty AS FUCK but I will eat it with my eggs for breakfast once ina blue moon... but I hate bacon as a "spice" like most foods in this country have.. . YUK :yuk:
I do like pork chops and smoked ham :Spin:
I completely agree. I personally find bacon to be way too fucking greasy.
eeek. Bacon is my least fav park of the almighty non-kosher pig.
There is a kosher pig by the way. It's some kind of wild boar, that shows both kashrut signs, required by an animal.

For groceries, quality is definitely far more important than quantity. I'd rather spend more, knowing that what I buy is actually healthy, isn't overly processed, isn't full of a bunch of chemicals that makes this whole country overweight and suffering from diabetes etc.
costco is a great place to buy things that don't expire for a long time; got LOADS of oatmeal there. OATMEAL.

(badmouth that and I'll fatlip ya!)
Giant bowl of oatmeal every morning with a grapefruit, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and a glass of water. Balanced breakfast bitches.
All you bacon haters can fuck right off!


Do you mean a picture without boobs? Because that just isn't possible. Here's another though:


My orthodox Jewish cousins are going to love me. :lol:

no, I meant, without both tongue and the boobs in the same picture. I wear my boobs wherever I go too. difficult to avoid them. :D
shows better here, very nice dress :cool:
^ I know, and they probably do, because it's very "en vougue" to eat organic food nowadays, people think that if they eat organic food they won;t become fat... haha, actually, I heard that from someone the other day! :lol:

But those places... they are just full of junk that no one needs.
No one in their right mind needs a box of 70 pop tarts... you know what I mean? Do you know how much trash and waste that is?
I personaly, hate it.
But... everybody will do as their please.

For groceries, quality is definitely far more important than quantity. I'd rather spend more, knowing that what I buy is actually healthy, isn't overly processed, isn't full of a bunch of chemicals that makes this whole country overweight and suffering from diabetes etc.


As for the kosher "pig" I honestly couldn't care less what is kosher and what's not :lol: My family, as I, are very far from being religious, so that's how I was brought up... "shrimps with butter?" please!

Like I said, I do eat nacon, but it's a rare event. Some people eat it every day... EEEK. :yuk:
Who's forcing you to buy a box of 70 pop tarts if you happen to go there?

If someone has that much power, I'd like to shake his hand! (then die from forced poptart overload)

Also, what's with that double standard of saying you only shop at Whole Foods, et al., but then denying that style of food to a place like Costco?
All you bacon haters can fuck right off!



Homer: Are you saying you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Ham?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Pork chops?
Lisa: Dad, those all come from the same animal.
Homer: Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.