post your sexy pics here

Maharet said:
thanks Satans Mom!!!

You're welcome sweetness. There's an old, and admitedly stupid, saying...pretty is as pretty does. That's partly you. Your actions, your words, and everything about you makes you lovely.

Same with Cara. Look how she conducts herself. She's very beautiful in many ways.

Carry on kids! I still love to see everyone's pics. I'm afraid that


Is buried to far back for me to compliment. I'm sure he's all you guys! You make the forum fun and I enjoy looking at everyone.

Dead_Lioness said:
I resent that.
not *ALL* women are cruel!!
I can't speak for Tee, but I think she didnt mean anything wrong here (its just the way she types and expresses herserlf: satan's mom- you know her...!)

It was just a general comment. If you want to take it personal, then it reflects on you, and how you feel about yourself, since it was NOT intended for you or directed at you. No, not all women are cruel, you are proof of that. You've been nothing but wonderful concerning everyones pics. It wasn't meant for Tee either. It made me think. I stand behind it 100%, for about 1000 reasons. I refuse to explain myself any further, since I did nothing but say something that others are afraid to say.

Someone has registered Satans Mom, I think. SO no more from me. You're all safe. :(

DL, you need to lighten up when it comes to me. I mean no harm, but I will not lie either.