post your sexy pics here

The one time I can truly recall getting ill from drinking was on Gin and Tonics at this dive bar in college, and well Gin was so fucking cheap it tasted like fucking pine-sol. I killed about thirteen of the bastards (they were a dollar fifty each).
I think I got the most trashed I've ever been last weekend at a house party/show. I was drinking a bunch of beers and then my friend kept handing me a bottle of Jameson. I fell over in the bathroom and kinda fucked up my leg and then blacked out for a while.

And Jager sucks and I'll only drink it if I'm already drunk.
i drink whatever ... i find? vodkas, whiskeys, not particular about the brand.

the last time will visited, my room mate bought us a bottle of vodka and i wanted something to chase and/or mix it with, and the only thing that cvs had that i liked was apple juice. i put whiskey in apple cider all the time and love it so i figured that'd be just as good. so i kinda start drinking after will falls asleep at 10. he drinks some of it around midnight and says "This stuff tastes like shit!" and i believe i responded with "But it's getting me drunk." and then i started talking about how awesome Communism is.

Jager buddies!!

I think we'll get along quite well.

I tend to drink a lot of it while I'm at a particular venue, especially when my buddies Battery come to play. Give it a little while and I probably hate the stuff later.

Until then, drink up me mates, yo ho.
Drinking time indeed. I has Jameson 18 year and Old Rasputin Imperial Stout. Most excellent.
i feel like drinkin too, but i gotta go visit my snake-charmer buddy down the street. Agie Liquor aww yeah. i always see like the 12 and 18 there next to the regular Jameson and perhaps some others. i always look at them and wonder if i should try one of the 'better' jamesons. is it worth it, and what do you suggest?
i feel like drinkin too, but i gotta go visit my snake-charmer buddy down the street. Agie Liquor aww yeah. i always see like the 12 and 18 there next to the regular Jameson and perhaps some others. i always look at them and wonder if i should try one of the 'better' jamesons. is it worth it, and what do you suggest?

They are a lot better than the regular... but it's really a case of how you want to enjoy it. 18 is great. Next to Middleton, my favorite Irish whisky ever and something I indulge very slowly. But at the price, it's not for getting drunk. It's for having as your first drink of the night... and then slamming the regular Jameson afterwards to get drunk and remember how good your first drink was. :kickass: