post your sexy pics here

Am I the only one who doesn't think Erik looks like a mexican?
He looks ... like he came from the medeterinean area....

I agree. Yum.

I have missed quite a lot on this board and in this thread while I slaved away at various art assignment and such.... and finals... and papers! I have returned to procrastination. Ah yes. So hey hope everyone is doing well!
It's drinkin' time, ladies and gents! Raise your glasses!

Jagermeister is just tasty :Spin:

The taste reminds me of Fletcher's Castoria, a laxative for kids that I was sometimes given as a kid. I remember hating the stuff to begin with, but over time it started tasting good :loco:
I liked Jager in me youth... now it's just too candy-flavored for me. I prefer alchohol with more body and complexity, less "sweet" texture.

That said, I've had some damn good times while over-indulging the Jager
Uhh....what do you guys like so much about Jägermeister?? More than one shot of it will make me puke instantly. my boyfriend loves it too, I can´t understand that....:ill:
I prefer brown rum...yummy....
High five! I hate Jager. Couple weeks ago I was at a bar where my friend works and she poured a HUGE cup of it without telling me and hands it to me and yells "DRINK IT PUSSY!!!"

So I did. And I just about gagged. And I got trashed. That's about the only way you can get me to drink it lol.