post your sexy pics here

Yeah I enjoy it, I like his build, he's solid, and tall and I can like run into him and it's nice, perfect for sleeping beside and holding and cuddling with and sexytime. Here is his face, I don't really have too many photos of him, and this one is a poor example. He looks dopey:

He's really just one of those heart of gold guys, I love him to death:

Yeah I enjoy it, I like his build, he's solid, and tall and I can like run into him and it's nice, perfect for sleeping beside and holding and cuddling with and sexytime. Here is his face, I don't really have too many photos of him, and this one is a poor example. He looks dopey:

He's really just one of those heart of gold guys, I love him to death:


He looks pretty. :oops: Peter is pretty dopey but he falls into the heart of gold category, they're the best.
They are the best. He's just a big mush too, which is nice. He got a little bit emo of my first ultrasound, it was pretty hysterical considering he is 6'6" (I thought 6'5" but actually just had a physical) and he's like 260 or so. Tastey. Now I am going to go give him kisses and remind him how much ass he kicks. /mush
Haha yeah, I am not even going to say what I was going to say. He's actually the polar opposite of everyone I've been with, and I think that's why we work perfectly. He is very open to metal as well, it's a lot of fun he's like a sponge, he'll soak it up and he so far liked Nevermore (thank god) he enjoys Testament and Death as well.
^yeh im sure it was all based on pics you'd posted with your 'platonic friends' and such. sounds like a solid guy, good job!

edit: i guess i had also considdered the construction/contractor type guy too. cause really, those are the two stereo types about new york/long island haha
pics from this weekend. will, my dad, and brother playing pool:

the pool cue will bought at a flea market for $30

them in the bar/pool hall/place for my dad's baseball memorabilia that used to be a garage

them all being good sports after the games
i leave most spiders alone to do their bug killing thing unless they look scary, try to climb on me, or are in my shoe/shower/somewhere i need to be.

Same here. I don't particularly like them, but they stay to themselves most of the time, and they take care of most of the bugs I'm even less fond of. Every now and then I'll go through all the cracks and corners and evict most or all of them, though.

stuff we bought yesterday. we're really nerdy.


Hah, I've played that game! It's fun! Nerds rule.
Yeah I enjoy it, I like his build, he's solid, and tall and I can like run into him and it's nice, perfect for sleeping beside and holding and cuddling with and sexytime. Here is his face, I don't really have too many photos of him, and this one is a poor example. He looks dopey:

He's really just one of those heart of gold guys, I love him to death:


Awww Jen That's so nice to see you happy! He looks sweet and handsom (from what I can see) It's always nice to end up with the one that makes us laugh and with the golden heart :)
Piercings are nice! 29, though? That's a lot! I used to want a lot more when I was younger, but I eventually realized it would be better to just stick with what worked for me rather than the whole more=better thing. You don't seem too happy about having gotten rid of them, so why did you?

nah, I didn't have 29 all at once, just in 29 locations... :Smug:
(no, never THERE though)
I took them out because it was time... job wise...
Maybe one day I'll put some back... I'm just in a stage in life right now where I'll have many job interviews in the future (about to graduated and doing internships now) so maybe after all that crazy stage is over.
Thanks for asking, and I didn't say it before: yours are lovely :cool: