post your sexy pics here



i've delt with some assholes and realize I'm the better person. I just find it funny people still have 6th grade mentality!
I personally like my nose and would rather have it than a flat face. I do think the digital camera makes it look somewhat different than if you saw me in person. I'm not sure if it is the US culture or anything, but everyone here looks exactly the same. bring the noses

People with different and more prominant noses are the best people to look at. If someone wants to be childish let them.
I am a private person and wanted to keep my identity to myself. regardless who cares. I just thought it would make sense to post a regular picture eventually.

I think people are idiots and don't give a fuck. whatever
Peoples worth is pretty much the samething as shitty beer in a can. People are so worthless if a 12 pack and person was sinking I would go for the 12.
