post your sexy pics here

Lameness. Money sucks.

I've missed them about 3 times so far I think. They're one of those bands that I love, but it's like fate intervenes every time an opportunity to see them comes along. I'm not sure I'll ever get to... although I believe they are coming around again in a few months. I wonder what will come up to force me to miss them this time haha
Last year Derick and I had some kick-ass lower balcony seats, first row, with a waitress included....and we had to miss it because I was absolutely too beat from my old job that day to do anything.

Very cute, Jen!


Kinda gross. The regular Protein Zone >>>> this one. I feel good, though!

Oh, those drinks are awesome! I thought I was about the only person who actually drank those. I don't think I've had that particular one, though.
Last year Derick and I had some kick-ass lower balcony seats, first row, with a waitress included....and we had to miss it because I was absolutely too beat from my old job that day to do anything.


Oh no, that sucks. There are some bands I ALWAY miss because of something, e. g. I never saw Candlemass live, beacause verytime they played on a festival I was too drunk or too lazy, and everytime I want to see Death Angel or Ministry I´m broke. Sucks.
Thank you Morganna, and Hi! :wave:
Yes, they are gorgeous, it´s just stupid that the situation for so-called "fighting dogs" in Germany is really bad, the officials are trying to make it as hard as possible for a private person, to have a dog of that kind.
Was eine gute Idee ist, da 95% der Besitzer solcher Hunde die größten Vollidioten sind, die man sich vorstellen kann.
Thank you Morganna, and Hi! :wave:
Yes, they are gorgeous, it´s just stupid that the situation for so-called "fighting dogs" in Germany is really bad, the officials are trying to make it as hard as possible for a private person, to have a dog of that kind.

How come they can't take control of the situation rather then punish responsible dog owners? :( That really is sad.

I had no idea of this.
Was eine gute Idee ist, da 95% der Besitzer solcher Hunde die größten Vollidioten sind, die man sich vorstellen kann.

You do realize that the vast exaggeration made in your statement is solely based on cognitive dissonance?

So congrats for provoking, but don't expect to be taken seriously by acting polemic.

Or: Have you ever thought about the newsworthiness of perfectly behaved dog owners?

Short version: :rolleyes: